Nothing & Dot. Reorganization of reason

Nothing & Dot. Reorganization of reason
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The book «Nothing & Dot» (i.m. constant) touches upon the most important and pressing issues of modern philosophy and answers them from the standpoint of ultra-idealism. The content and meaning of the book, if properly understood, produces a reorganization of the reason.

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© Sergey B. Konstantinov, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-8669-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


(Sergey B. Konstantinov)





Nowadays it is fashionable to “practice trying to control reality”, but few people are able to even approximately explain and answer the question: What is “Reality”? For this reason, the result of the practices turns out to be practically zero – since the practitioners have no idea in what conditions they are trying to act, with the intention of influencing the basis for the realization of things and the formation of situations. It is available, but the skill will require a lot of knowledge. At the same time, both the practice itself and the results will be perceived by other, ignorant people as “Magic”;

Science. Is it possible to study something you don’t know about? And, as it turned out, something works, but – looking at the result, we are not able to identify it and qualify it adequately, as well as what we worked on and how we did it. And this because we act in unknown conditions. We know practically nothing about the “Structure of the World’ and, accordingly, we do not understand, What this, the World?

It turns out that we know nothing about Ourselves, nor about the World we live in, nor about Reality, and we try to control all of this. In this statement of fact, of course, there is “no hopelessness’, and on the contrary – there is certainty and interest in life, a desire for development, an intention to study and know. Although, in a nutshell, the essence is most often in the attitude to what is in itself, i.e. we will have to adapt – this is the attitude to the Surrounding Dangerous World | or, to the fact that everything in the World exists for us, and we should simply use it for its intended purpose and Develop by gaining experience, then any danger is perceived as a delusion of reason, that is, as an ordinary task that will have to be solved in order to save life, or – lose relevance;


We are sincerely glad to meet people interested in development, studying sciences, striving to “Know Thyself"*. Some consider this to be the most important task. But, those interested fail to define the questions that lay the foundation for such research. We believe that setting research goals can begin with an analysis of the “Act of Self-Credibility of the “I”” – according to the method of Rene Descartes “I think, therefore I am"**. This is the most famous of the universal keys to the beginning of knowledge. There are other ways, through asking questions:

How is the World structured? What is “I”? and, What is the meaning of life?

It is well known that many great minds have tried to answer these complex questions over the millennia. Almost every one of those learned thinkers formulated intricate postulates and wrote complex treatises to explain the Laws of Being – naturally embracing the horizons of metaphysics. But, through experience, philosophical thought developed together with civilization, culture and science, the number of tricky questions grew rapidly – and the ability to think in general changed. Humanity learned to philosophize, moving along a complex, very thorny path. Epoch after Epoch, this work became more complicated, but people managed to “drill deeper and deeper’. There will be no end to research. This is wonderful, because it is philosophy that teaches thinking and logical techniques. But, especially, metaphysics – contributes to the development of all sciences, and serves as a method of reorganizing the mind – opening up opportunities for finding new Ideas, activating lively insight, cultivating ingenuity, and unusual sharpness of mind;

Our questions will remain the same. We do not plan to set particularly ambitious and impossible tasks, but we will try to at least one step, the slightest bit, advance in the already existing (but frozen) studies, of all generations without exception. An important task will be to define our desire for simplicity of presentation, focusing on the most ordinary reader – a lover of fiction, interested in answers to the questions posed here. In our reasoning we will be stubborn, will use the method of  multiple repetitions, but always in other words, perhaps we will try to use a view from the outside, or from different points of view, perhaps we will offer an abstract idea, a tautology, or chaos, with the conviction that this will contribute to understanding;

This is real research.

Therefore, to expand the scope of the current thought, sometimes it will be necessary to jump from one topic to another, because they are closely related. It should be noted that we do not intend to arrogantly contradict and argue with anyone. We will not criticize the scientists of the past – we will show them Respect, and express sincere Gratitude, for their invaluable contribution to the development of Philosophical thought and the prosperity of humanity. So, we define the main Goals as – to get answers to the following questions:

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