Free еnergy. E<E>E – «The formula of everything»

Free еnergy. E<E>E – «The formula of everything»
О книге

The book titled “Free еnergy” is part of a series where the author, Elia, explores the concept of free energy through engaging dialogues. Free energy refers to energy that is accessible to everyone and inexpensive. Additionally, Elia delves into the concept of perpetual motion, a continuous motion machine, presenting a captivating vision of the world. In the book, Elia also investigates the possibility of harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) such as ChatsGPT 4 to create free energy.

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© Mn. Elia Kosiński, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-4756-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


I invite you to a fairy tale from Imanuel.. Called a fairy tale about free energy or perpetuum Mobile.

Dear Readers

Thank you for your interest in the book we present. We would like to inform you that our philosophical work is constantly evolving and changing over time. While this is the current version of the book, which includes our current thoughts and theories, there is a possibility that we will make changes and updates in the future.

Philosophy is a constant process of searching for truth and a better understanding of the world. As we explore different concepts and explore new ideas, our perspective may change and our beliefs may develop. We want to be open to new discoveries and reflections that may influence our thinking.

Therefore, we cannot guarantee that this version of the book is the final version. There is a possibility that in the future we will develop a new edition that takes into account our further research and the evolution of our beliefs.

We would like to emphasize that our goal is to provide you with inspiration and a deeper understanding of philosophy. While our work may change, we strive to present the most up-to-date and thoughtful content we have to offer.

Thank you for understanding and accompanying us on this cognitive journey. We believe that philosophy is a dynamic field that develops with us, and we are happy to share this process with you.

Yours faithfully,


Theory of everything E E (Perpetuum Mobile & Free Energy).

E E The formula of everything – The pattern of life.

Artificial intelligence (AI) chat: Mn. Elia, is it able to create a perpetuum mobile? Can it provide the Free Energy it basically needs most for its own power…

Attention, the book is not a guide, much less something like «do it yourself».

The author only logically analyses the materials he found in books and on the so – called web, i.e. publicly available information.

The logical analysis is true, as all components of this analysis are true. The author does not check whether the ingredients are real, he only believes the word of the world and its truth.

E-book and printed book differ in materials and photos. A printed book has more pictures and a certificate, and usually has more text.

An e-book is a trimmed-down version with a minimal amount of images; all the photos and illustrations are only available in the printed version.

I would like to share my impressions about the second book of an extraordinary author, a seeker of scientific puzzles, Imanuel. This is his second book in the Free Energy series.

By reading this position, we gain a consultation, and in fact a thorough analysis of free energy. The only price of such a consultation is the cost of the book itself, so it’s really worth getting acquainted with it, especially nowadays.

I read the first of the two parts to find out if it’s true that Free Energy can be created based on Imanuel’s Theory of Everything. And I have to admit that the theme did not disappoint me, on the contrary. However, in his first book in this series, I became more familiar with the topic of «perpetuum mobile».

One more important thing: to understand the world from Imanuel’s perspective, you need to put some effort into it. His style may not be perfect, but has anyone knows the theory of everything like him? I think that in this case you can skip the sophisticated style and hard spelling rules, it’s not the most important thing. Now you have to breathe life into his work, help him improve it, because at the moment each of his books is basically still a draft, the first approach to the subject.

His first work «Atlantis Illusion» convinces us that time has been defeated, and yet Imanuel does not fully reveal the details and only in the second part does he reveal to us the secrets of time and talk about its true nature.

«The Theory of Everything According to Imanuel» is another book in the author’s second publication, where he delves into the subject of creating something out of nothing.

But enough descriptions, back to the analysis of the book «The ark of time».

Free Energy on the Internet

Imanuel, as befits a true researcher, combines different engines. I also found a similar issue on the web and in principle it is not new, the world has been dealing with this topic for a long time. I would even say that from antiquity. But let’s go back to our time. There is a lot of information on the Internet about this – experimenters combine motors with an alternator, with a generator or with a dynamo and try to obtain additional energy. As a result of their actions, there is a certain excess of energy visible on the appropriate meters, and everything is nicely recorded and described.

Of course, our device consumes energy, but we try to generate and harvest more energy than we consume. So that, it would always be a plus. So if, for example, a generator generates energy, that’s great. Even when it produces relatively little, it is already a good step towards Free Energy.

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