From the First Kiss

From the First Kiss
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From that first look to this first kiss… All Alex could see was her long, thick, gorgeous hair. Pale smooth skin. Lips that were naturally tinted pink. Eyes that were green like sea grass. He stopped himself. His best friend Reese might be dead. But in Alex’s mind, Cassandra was still very much the man’s wife. She was out of bounds.Cassandra. The forbidden woman Alex had yearned for from the first moment he’d laid eyes on her. But she’d been married to his best friend. Now she was rebuilding his family’s bed-and-breakfast…and just might, in the process, be rebuilding his anguished heart.

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Alex knew the momentCassandra’s eyes left him.

It was a damned relief.

And he did a good job of not staring at her. He kept his head forward, staying focused on his sister.

At least until the minister addressed Gray. “Will you love her and comfort her, honour and keep her…?”

Alex shifted his gaze a little to the left so he could catch sight of Cassandra in his peripheral vision. She was wearing a spectacular dark red jacket and skirt combo that fitted her body as if made for it.

Will you love her…?

I will, he thought. All the days of my worthless life.

And he wanted to comfort her. He just couldn’t do that without dishonouring her and his dead friend. Not knowing how he felt.

Knowing what he’d done…

To Stacy Boyd, with so many thanks


graduated from college with a degree in history and art history, concentrating on the medieval period. Which meant she was great at discussing anything that happened before the sixteenth century, but not all that employable in the real world. In order to support herself, she went to law school and worked in Boston in healthcare administration for many years.

She now lives in the South with her husband and her beloved golden retriever. As a writer, her commute is a lot better than it was as a lawyer and she’s thrilled that her professional wardrobe includes slippers and tracksuits. She likes to write love stories that feature strong, independent heroines and complex, alpha male heroes. Visit her website at and e-mail her at [email protected].

Dear Reader,

I have so loved spending time with the Moorehouses and hope you have enjoyed their stories as well. Love and family are the things that make life worth living and I think that Frankie, Joy and Alex each learned how true that is.

Just to let you know, Spike and Madeline are going to run into each other again very soon! And boy…you want to talk about fireworks? The two of them are spectacular together. Oh, and by the way, Sean O’Banyon has a woman in his future, too. (And so do his two handsome brothers, Billy and Mac…)

Thanks so much for reading! And I’d love to hear from you!


[email protected]

From the First Kiss


Chapter One

Alex Moorehouse had no intention of answering the knock on the bedroom door. Flat on his back and halfway through a Harry Potter hardcover, he wasn’t in the mood for company.

Not that he ever was, but at this moment he really didn’t want to deal with anybody. He’d actually managed to find a position for the cast on his lower leg that relieved the pain. Or at least dulled it so he could concentrate on something else. Having a measure of peace in his body was so rare he didn’t want it frayed by an intruder.

It had been almost three months since he’d felt strong, able. Himself. Three months, four surgeries, and a post-op infection that had nearly killed him. Enough hell to wipe clean most, but not all, of his transgressions.

There were at least two sins he would have to repay in the real Hades.

The knocking came again. He kept silent.

The way he figured it, the fire department wouldn’t bother with formalities, so nothing was up in flames. If it was an EMT, he was pretty sure they were looking for someone else because he was breathing, so he wasn’t dead. And if it was one of his sisters, they would be back.

God knew, they always came back. Those two women were in and out of the room constantly. Trying to feed him. Coaxing him to come downstairs. Riding him about going to a grief counselor.

He loved them. And he wished they’d leave him the hell alone.

The door opened a crack. Joy, the younger one, stuck her head in.

He watched her eyes go to the liquor bottle on the floor next to the bed. It was a reflex with them both. Open the door. Check the scotch level. Door open. Scotch check.

He thought about dropping a pillow to hide the single malt, but figured that little defensive maneuver would only draw more attention to the damn thing.

So he just stared at her, waiting.

This was going to be good. Joy looked like she was about to jump out of her skin.

“You, ah, you have someone who wants to see you.”

He had to clear his throat before he could speak.

“No, I don’t.” God, he sounded hoarse. That scotch was doing a number on his vocal cords, and he wondered how his liver was faring.

“Yes, you—”

“And I know this because I haven’t invited anyone here.”

The way he saw it, one of the advantages to staying in someone else’s house was that nobody could find you. Friends, colleagues. Reporters. Hell, if you kept your yap shut, you could practically fall off the side of the earth.

Which was a trip he was dying to make.

All things considered, he should be thanking the fire that had made his family’s bed-and-breakfast, White Caps, uninhabitable. In the aftermath, Joy’s fiancé, Gray, had taken all the Moorehouses in, and although Alex hated being a mooch, he was grateful for the anonymity he’d been granted.

Besides, this particular hideout was a classy one.

Gray Bennett’s place in the Adirondacks was a fricking palace and the guest room Alex had been crashing in for the past six weeks was as tricked up as the rest of the mansion. Top-tier everything, from the antiques to the rugs, not that Alex could name the particulars. He was about as far away from the

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