Gift Of The Heart

Gift Of The Heart
О книге

RACHEL SPARHAWK LINDSEY CAME FROM A LONG LINE OF SURVIVORSShe would not fail her heritage. But the snows were deep and the nights lonely - until Jamie Ryder arrived, bringing strength and joy into the hidden places of her heart… .The warmth of hearth and home had long been denied Jamie Ryder. Now Rachel Lindsey offered him refuge from the storms without - and the war within. But he knew this dream of love and family could not withstand the nightmare of his past… .

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Critical acclaim for Ms. Jarrett’s titles

Gift of the Heart

“…extraordinarily compelling and heartfelt romance from a delight to read..”

The Paperback Forum

“Ms. Jarrett has a rare story-telling talent.”


“Once again Miranda Jarrett proves herself to be one of romantic fiction’s finest gems!”

The Literary Times

Sparhawk’s Angel

“…an unusual, delightful, and precious reading experience. 5float image1s.”

Affaire de Coeur

5float image2s”


“I can live without being called ‘Mistress,’”

Rachel said with determined composure.

“As you please, Rachel Lindsey.” Jamie liked the sound of the name on his tongue. He had guessed she’d be called something more elegant, more exotic, the way she was herself, but now he’d never imagine her as anything other than Rachel. Rachel Sparbawk Lindsey. Lord, when was the last time he’d gone moony over a woman’s name?

He let his bemusement slide drowsily across his face. “You wanted to trust me when I was dead to the world. But do you trust me now, I wonder?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Not in the least.”

“Good lass,” he murmured. “Not only beautiful, but wise you are, too, Rachel Lindsey. Don’t you ever trust me, not for a moment.”

Then he smiled, and the sudden, devastating warmth of it was enough to steal Rachel’s breath away…

Dear Reader,

Miranda Jarrett’s last title, Sparhawk’s Angel, earned her 5

s from Affaire de Coeur, 5
s from Booklovers, and a special mention in Kathe Robin’s “Tête à Tête” page in Romantic Times. And we are already receiving good reports back about her eagerly awaited new book, this month’s Gift of the Heart. Be sure to take home this touching story set in the wilds of the New York frontier where a woman, abandoned by her no-good husband, discovers happiness in the arms of a fugitive haunted by his past

Beauty and the Beast is a new Regency tale by Taylor Ryan, who made her debut during our 1996 March Madness promotion of talented new authors. Don’t miss this wonderful story of a troubled nobleman who is badgered into health by an interfering young neighbor.

We are also so pleased to welcome back award-winning author Dallas Schulze with her long-awaited Western, Short Straw Bride, the heartwarming tale of a couple who marry for practical reasons, only to fall head over heels in love. As well as Reader’s Choice Award winner Laurie Grant with her new medieval novel, My Lady Midnight, the intriguing story of a Norman widow who becomes a political pawn when she is forced to go undercover as a governess in the home of the baron she believes responsible for the death of her best friend.

We hope you’ll keep a lookout for all four titles wherever Harlequin Historicals are sold.


Tracy Farrell

Senior Editor

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Gift of the Heart

Miranda Jarrett


was an award-winning designer and art director before turning to writing full-time, and considers herself sublimely fortunate to have a career that combines history and happy endings, even if it’s one that’s also made her family regular patrons of the local pizzeria. A descendant of early settlers in New England, she feels a special kinship with her popular fictional family, the Sparhawks of Rhode Island.

Miranda and her husband—a musician and songwriter—live near Philadelphia with their two young children and two old cats. During what passes for spare time she paints watercolor landscapes, bakes French chocolate cakes and whips up the occasional last-minute Halloween costume.

Miranda herself admits that it’s hard to keep track of all the Sparhawk family members, and she has prepared a family tree to help, including which characters appear in each book. She loves to hear from readers, and if you write to her and enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope, she’ll send you a copy of the family tree along with her reply. Her address: P.O. Box 1102, Paoli, PA 19301-1145.


Tryon County, New York

November, 1778

He didn’t want to die alone.

Not like this, not hidden beneath the shadows of the tallest trees, unmourned, unburied save for the drifting snow that would cover his body only until the wolves found him. Or the Senecas. Better the wolves.

Jamie forced himself to take another step, and another, the prints left behind in the snow staggered like a drunkard’s. If Butler’s men were tracking him, they could do it with one eye closed and the other asleep, but Jamie was far past being able to stop them.

The ball from Sergeant Herrick’s pistol had gone clear through his left shoulder, and the wound had seemed clean enough. Jamie was a large man, strong, and he’d survived worse. Because he’d been on the trail with the other Rangers, he had plenty of ground meal and dried beef in his hunting pouch, and as long as he stayed within sight of the Mohawk River to the north, he’d keep his bearings, regardless of the snow.

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