Her Nine Month Confession

Her Nine Month Confession
О книге

One night…The merest glimpse of handsome, sophisticated Benedict Warrender was enough to make wallflower Lily Gray blush. But since a twist of fate allowed her to enter his orbit, it's been the memories of their life-altering night together that make her cheeks burn.One secret that will change everything…When one night…leads to pregnancy!

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Lily found her eyes drifting to his mouth, felt the vibration of that memory—the carnal craving, the need that had been as instinctual and primal as taking a breath.

She had felt sure she would die if he stopped.

She lifted a mental screen and pushed the memories behind it before they overwhelmed her.

‘People try for years to get pregnant,’ she said, thinking of her twin. ‘I didn’t think anything would happen the first time—which was stupid.’

Benedict’s dark brows lifted. ‘You think?’ There was a hard, ironic gleam in his eyes. ‘A child…’ He dragged a hand through his hair, a dazed expression on his face as he turned his scrutiny on her. ‘So I have a child and you didn’t think to mention it to me? I wasn’t a stranger …’

‘You didn’t owe me anything. It was my decision to have Emily—my responsibility.’

‘So you made a unilateral decision?’ He struggled to keep a lid on his anger.

She lifted her chin. ‘Yes, and I’d do the same again.’

When one night…leads to pregnancy!

When succumbing to a night of unbridled desire it’s impossible to think past the morning after!

But, with the sheets barely settled, that little blue line appears on the pregnancy test and it doesn’t take long to realise that one night of white-hot passion has turned into a lifetime of consequences!

Only one question remains:

How do you tell a man you’ve just met that you’re about to share more than just his bed?

Find out in:

Nine Months to Redeem Him by Jennie Lucas January 2015

Prince Nadir’s Secret Heir by Michelle Conder March 2015

Carrying the Greek’s Heir by Sharon Kendrick April 2015

Married for Amari’s Heir by Maisey Yates July 2015

From One Night to Wife by Rachael Thomas September 2015

More stories in the One Night With Consequences series can be found at millsandboon.co.uk

Her Nine Month


Kim Lawrence


KIM LAWRENCE lives on a farm in Anglesey with her university lecturer husband, assorted pets who arrived as strays and never left, and sometimes one or both of her boomerang sons. When she’s not writing she loves to be outdoors gardening, or walking on one of the beaches for which the island is famous—along with being the place where Prince William and Catherine made their first home!

For Shirley.

She was the best mum—a brave and lovely lady.


London. Three years earlier.

IT WAS SIX A.M. when Lily woke, thanks to her internal alarm clock—an inconvenient genetic quirk that always woke her at this hour. She knew she wouldn’t be able to snuggle down and have another half-hour under the duvet, but for a few moments she resisted pushing her way through the thin layer that separated sleep from full wakefulness.

On the plus side she was never late and it was amazing what you could achieve in that quiet hour or so before the rest of the world, or at least her loud neighbour in the adjoining flat, woke.

She silenced the tedious inner voice that insisted on seeing the bright side of everything with a scowl and pushed the heavy swathe of tangled curls from her face. Lying there with one arm curved above her head, she focused on her justified resentment of people who could roll over and fall back to sleep. Normal people who overslept, even her own twin, Lara, who, it was no exaggeration to say, could sleep through an earthquake. But no, not her, every morning it was the same old...same old...

Only it wasn’t.

A fresh furrow appeared between her delicately delineated brows as a remaining sleepy corner of her mind told her actually something was different, but what?

Had she actually overslept?

Eyes closed, she reached out for her phone on the bedside table. Patting her hand flat, she hit a couple of unfamiliar objects before she found it. Opening one eye, she glanced at the screen and read the predictable and unsociable hour. She clutched the phone to her chest—naked chest! Was that relevant? she wondered as she hitched the sheet up over her shoulders. No, the something different was not the time or her naked state.

So what was it?

She looked around. This was not her room.

The belated recognition hit her as she struggled to focus. Her entire body felt as though she’d just run a marathon—not that she ever had or in all probability ever would. But last night...last night!

Her green eyes snapped wide open as the memory of the night before hit her like a bolt of lightning. At least that explained the aches in places she hadn’t known she had.

She pressed a hand to her left breast where her heart was trying to batter its way through her ribcage. The rush of blood in her ears was a deafening roar as she turned her head slowly...very, very slowly. What if she’d been dreaming? She gritted her teeth, prepared for an anticlimax that never came.

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