Horoscope for sex 2018. Russian horoscope

Horoscope for sex 2018. Russian horoscope
О книге

Horoscopes in verse for all signs of the zodiac are published by Alexander Nevzorov annually. Their readership is constantly expanding. Poems of horoscopes of excellent quality. They are well rhymed, with humor, they strike accurately at the target and are well remembered. Horoscopes are best read aloud, in a large company, especially on the eve of the New Year. Funny predictions are of particular interest, smiles, positive mood. Horoscopes Nevzorova – a great gift.

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© Alexander Nevzorov, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-0454-9

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


Everyone knows, by the word «sex»
In the rhyme there will be only a «cupcake»
Year of the dog helps
Adds the word «Rex»
Dogs have sex in their honor
Only strongly not parts
Every little girl is pleased
Kohl pat on the wool
Only in the Union of sex there
The horoscope will give the answer:
Now sex is recommended
From eighteen years old

Aries (21.03 – 19.04)

Aries of different ages
Horoscope help ready
Suggest on the topic of sex
And to whom to send matchmakers
Aries are all shown marriage
Sex without marriage
No, and satisfaction
Feelings are not present, not that and smak
Do not be fooled by mirage
Look a little wider
Who seriously attracts
Do you want sex, so marry

Taurus (20.04 – 20.05)

There are married Taurus,
Idle people
There are weightlifters and wrestlers
Sex is sometimes like a sport
The marriage bed is on the court
The ball is being driven back and forth
Or puck on board
It’s important to win in sports
In Sex – Zachat and give birth
And the Taurus is desired by the stars
Children plenty

Gemini (21.05 – 20.06)

Gemini what is a kindergarten
That is Golf for them, then Passat for them
In sex, they all are attracted to
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