How to Be a People Magnet: Proven Ways to Polish Your People Skills

How to Be a People Magnet: Proven Ways to Polish Your People Skills
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Perfect your people skills with this mini ebook by the author of ‘How to Talk to Anyone’ and ‘How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You’Leil Lowndes is the acknowledged queen of intelligent, savvy, quick fix advice for your long term social success.Leil’s insights and strategies are based on real research into human psychology and behaviour. Her style is wickedly funny, full of sage advice and a pleasure to read.This mini edition focusses on they key areas of:• People skills• Confident conversation• Romance and seduction• Relationships – lovers and friends• Socialising – how to shine• Business – charm your colleagues and clients


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How to Be a People Magnet

Proven ways to polish your people skills

Leil Lowndes

I bet you know some folks who are human magnets. It’s not that they’re overly good-looking, rich or bright. But they walk into a room of strangers and people stare. They walk into a bar and people stare. They walk into a negotiation and the suits on the other side of the table instinctively smell that they are ‘big time .

If they’re single, everyone wants to be their date. If married, passionate partners are grateful to be their mate. they’re in need, faithful friends would charge over the hill, run through fire or walk on broken glass for them.

But wait a minute! They don’t have anything you haven’t got – maybe less. So what’s the secret?

That’s what you’re going to learn in How to Be a People Magnet. With the following little tricks for big success in relationships, you’ll be right on course to get whatever you want from anybody – be it business, friendship or love.

We all have a few tricks in our bags, some more than others.

A friend of mine, Karen, is a highly respected professional in the home-furnishings business. Her husband is an equally big name in the communications field. They have two small sons.

Whenever Karen is at a home-furnishings industry event, everyone pays deference to her. She’s a Very Important Person in that world.

Yet, Karen complains, when she accompanies her husband to communications functions, she might as well be a nobody. When she takes her kids to school functions, she’s just another mum. She once asked me, ‘Leil, how can I stand out from the crowd so people who don’t know me will approach me and at least assume I’m an interesting person?’ The following techniques in this section accomplish precisely that. When you use them, you will come across as a special person to everyone you meet. You will stand out as a Somebody in whatever crowd you find yourself in, even if it’s not your crowd.

Let’s start with your smile.

The Flooding Smile

Big Winners know their smile is one of their most powerful weapons, so they’ve fine-tuned it for maximum impact.

The old-fashioned instant grin carries no weight with today’s sophisticated crowd. Look at world leaders, negotiators and corporate giants. Not a smiling sycophant among them. Key Players in all walks of life are just ever so slower to smile so, when it does erupt, it has more potency and the world smiles with them.


The Flooding Smile

Don’t flash an immediate smile when you greet someone, as though anyone who walked into your line of sight would be the beneficiary. Instead, look at the other person’s face for a second. Pause. Soak in their persona. Then let a big, warm, responsive smile flood over your face and overflow into your eyes. It will engulf the recipient like a warm wave. The split second delay convinces people your flooding smile is genuine and only for them.

Sticky Eyes

Your eyes are personal grenades that have the power to detonate people’s emotions. Big Players in the game of life know exaggerated eye contact can be extremely advantageous, especially between the sexes. In business, even when romance is not in the picture, strong eye contact packs a powerful wallop between men and women. It broadcasts a visceral message of comprehension and respect.


Sticky Eyes

Pretend your eyes are glued to your Conversation Partner’s with sticky warm toffee. Don’t break eye contact even after he or she has finished speaking. When you must look away, do it ever so slowly, reluctantly, stretching the gooey toffee until the tiny string finally breaks.


Sticky Eyes

When talking to men, you, too, can use Sticky Eyes. Just make them a little less sticky when discussing personal matters with men, lest your listener feel threatened or misinterpret your intentions. But do increase your eye-contact slightly more with men on day-to-day communications – and a lot more when talking to women.

Now let’s look at a very important technique to make you look like a Very Important Person.

Hang by Your Teeth

Big Winners in life stand with assurance. They move with confidence. They smile softly with pride. No doubt about it! Good posture symbolizes you are a man or woman who is used to being on top. Here is a visualization technique to get your body looking like a Winner. I call it Hang by Your Teeth.


Hang by Your Teeth

Visualize a circus iron-jaw bit hanging from the frame of every door you walk through. Take a bite and, with it firmly between your teeth, let it swoop you to the peak of the big top. When you

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