Husband For Keeps

Husband For Keeps
О книге

Carey Window had exactly ten hours to find herself a groom of good character if she didn't want to lose her father's ranch. She was about to concede defeat when a dangerously handsome foreman named Luke Redstone turned up with his adorable nephew, Tyler, and offered his help–as a husband candidate.But from their first kiss as husband and wife, Carey knew her heart was in trouble. For even though the marriage was in name only, she found herself indulging in dreams of happily ever after. Yet Luke and his nephew had a secret–one that could smash her fantasies to bits. Would their marriage of convenience ever become a match made of love?

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“You Sound Nervous, Carey. Do I Make You Nervous? I Don’t Mean To.”

“You don’t.” Carey dismissed his comment with a false laugh.

Luke took a very deliberate step toward her, forcing her back against the edge of the counter. “What are you worried about?” Luke asked quietly. “Afraid I might demand my conjugal rights? Being it is our wedding night and all?”

“Of course not,” she said flatly. “Besides, we have an agreement, and I expect you to respect it.” Then, bolder, she added, “While we’re on the subject…that kiss at the ceremony? Totally out of line.” Luke’s expression was a perfect picture of smug male superiority.

“Funny how I didn’t hear too many complaints at the time. In fact, if I didn’t know better,” he added, trying not to grin, “I would have sworn you enjoyed it.”

Dear Reader,

In keeping with the celebration of Silhouette’s 20>th anniversary in 2000, what better way to enjoy the new century’s first Valentine’s Day than to read six passionate, powerful, provocative love stories from Silhouette Desire!

Beloved author Dixie Browning returns to Desire’s MAN OF THE MONTH promotion with A Bride for Jackson Powers, also the launch title for the series THE PASSIONATE POWERS. Enjoy this gem about a single dad who becomes stranded with a beautiful widow who’s his exact opposite.

Get ready to be seduced when Alexandra Sellers offers you another sheikh hero from her SONS OF THE DESERT miniseries with Sheikh’s Temptation. Maureen Child’s popular series BACHELOR BATTALION continues with The Daddy Salute—a marine turns helpless when he must take care of his baby, and he asks the heroine for help.

Kate Little brings you a keeper with Husband for Keeps, in which the heroine needs an in-name-only husband in order to hold on to her ranch. A fabulously sexy doctor returns to the woman he could never forget in The Magnificent M.D. by Carol Grace. And exciting newcomer Sheri WhiteFeather offers another irresistible Native American hero in Jesse Hawk: Brave Father.

We hope you will indulge yourself this Valentine’s Day with all six of these passionate romances, only from Silhouette Desire!


Joan Marlow Golan

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

Husband for Keeps

Kate Little


claims to have lots of experience with romance—“the fictional kind, that is,” she is quick to clarify. She has been both an author and an editor of romance fiction for over fifteen years. She believes that a good romance will make the reader experience all the tension, thrills and agony of falling madly, deeply and wildly in love. She enjoys watching the characters in her books go crazy for each other, but hates to see the blissful couple disappear when it’s time for them to live happily ever after. In addition to writing romance novels, Kate writes fiction and nonfiction for young adults. She lives in Long Island, New York, with her husband and daughter.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine



Storm clouds, heavy with rain, swiftly moving across a wide sky. The ominous rumble of thunder in the distance. Wind rising, blowing dust and brush across the front yard.

A woman in a doorway, a wedding bouquet in her hands, anxiously watching the distant road for an approaching car.

A jagged bolt of lightning cutting across the sky.

The hands of the clock moving quickly toward high noon—the showdown hour….

It was all too much like a scene from a bad movie, Carey Winslow reflected. And she’d acted in enough of them to know.

She watched as the first heavy drops darkened the ground and splashed on the porch railing. Then the wind picked up, the rainfall gusting into a heavy, wet curtain.

The predictions she’d heard this morning on the radio had come to pass, and Carey knew from the forecast that a front of severe storms was going to sweep across the entire state. Including the airport, several hours away by car.

Kyle would never get here in time now. Carey felt her stomach clench at the hard truth. His car—some cheap rental with no pickup and even less traction—will slide off the side of the road. Why did he have to time it down to the very last minute? Wasn’t that just like a man?

She sighed and stepped back from the front door, setting the small bouquet of white sweetheart roses on the hallway table.

“Your fiancé here yet?” Ophelia’s calm voice echoed down the hallway of the gracious old house. “The judge is getting antsy. Says if the fellow doesn’t come soon, might as well not bother. Being as the rain’s started and all….”

“Yes, I know. I won’t wait much longer.” Carey smoothed down the sleeveless white chiffon dress with a scattered print of green and red blossoms. Her only jewelry was a cameo broach, a treasured remembrance of her mother. A garland of miniature white roses and baby’s breath in her hair completed the outfit: her wedding outfit.

Not the traditional gown and veil, but she was certainly not the conventional bride. The outfit—as were the rest of the preparations—was makeshift. Less than traditional, yet enough to keep up appearances. Just enough to fulfill the terms of her father’s will and gain her inheritance.

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