IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Key Applications Global Standard 4 Study Guide

IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Key Applications Global Standard 4 Study Guide
О книге

Extraordinary opportunities for China's major financial services providers Over the past three decades, China has attained and solidified its position as the world's second-largest economy. There is now an enormous demand for Chinese financial services, especially those related to securities. Chinese Securities Companies is essential reading for anyone involved in Chinese capital markets, because this is a situation that has never been seen before. Management, profit structure, sponsor systems, reform potential—all have unique elements in China, and all are analyzed in depth in this book. Chinese securities expert Wu Xiaoqiu has developed an influential model for understanding China's capital markets in their historical perspective and creating success in this high-demand industry. Read Chinese Securities Companies to understand the four things firms must do in order to exceed the accomplishments of giants like CITIC Securities: Create international vision Develop innovative talent Establish solid capital power Engage in rigorous risk management Using this formula, developed with the aid of research from Moody's, along with a robust historical perspective, Wu Xiaoqiu has written an essential text for anyone involved in global financial services.


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IC>3® Internet and Computing Core Certification Key Applications Global Standard 4

Study Guide

Ciprian Adrian Rusen

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About the Author

Ciprian Adrian Rusen is a recognized Windows Consumer Expert – Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). He has published several books about Windows and Microsoft Office, and he's also a very active tech blogger at http://www.7tutorials.com.

On his website you can find many tutorials about Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. He and his team of editors also publish how-to guides about other Microsoft products like Windows Phone and Xbox One. If you would like to keep up to date with the latest Microsoft consumer products, you should subscribe to his blog.


Welcome to the IC3 Internet and Computing Core Certification Key Applications Study Guide for the IC3 Digital Literacy Certification. The purpose of this book is to help you prepare for the Key Applications certification exam, which covers four major types of applications: word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database software. You will learn the common features of these types of applications, how to perform all kinds of tasks (opening and saving files, formatting them, printing them, and so on), and how to collaborate with others to create all kinds of business documents and files.

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