Imminent Danger

Imminent Danger
О книге

HER REAL NAME WAS ALLISON WELCH…But he knew her as Cecilia Webster. Just weeks ago, she'd had everything. Then came the tragedy that stole it all–along with her eyesight. The blindness was only temporary. So were her new name and her stay in rural Montana. But what about her feelings for the gruff, tender lawman who'd taken her in?Tormented by his own past, Sheriff Jesse Wilder had a beautiful, vulnerable witness in his protective custody–and more on his mind than keeping her safe. But his charge's life depended on his guarding her secret–and resisting his own forbidden urges….Mustang MontanaA lively little town filled with secrets, scandal, gossip–and unexpected romance at every turn (of the page)!

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“Tell me I’ll be safe here, Jesse. I just need to know that for a little while I can let go of the fear.”

As Jesse saw the haunting of her eyes, felt both the tragedy and the fear that emanated from her, he wished he could reassure her, promise her sanctuary, but Jesse had never been one to make false promises.

He knew nothing about her situation, knew nothing about what danger might find her here. He wouldn’t lie, couldn’t give her guarantees that didn’t exist.

Something—an expression of need in her eyes—touched him, and he didn’t like it. She was a job. Nothing more, nothing less. In two weeks she’d be gone, back to where she belonged.

Dear Reader,

As you have no doubt noticed, this year marks Silhouette Books’ 20>th anniversary, and for the next three months the spotlight shines on Intimate Moments, so we’ve packed our schedule with irresistible temptations.

First off, I’m proud to announce that this month marks the beginning of A YEAR OF LOVING DANGEROUSLY, a twelve-book continuity series written by eleven of your favorite authors. Sharon Sala, a bestselling, award-winning, absolutely incredible writer, launches things with Mission: Irresistible, and next year she will also write the final book in the continuity. Picture a top secret agency, headed by a man no one sees. Now picture a traitor infiltrating security, chased by a dozen (or more!) of the agency’s best operatives. The trail crisscrosses the globe, and passion is a big part of the picture, until the final scene is played out and the final romance reaches its happy conclusion. Every book in A YEAR OF LOVING DANGEROUSLY features a self-contained romance, along with a piece of the ongoing puzzle, and enough excitement and suspense to fuel your imagination for the entire year. Don’t miss a single monthly installment!

This month also features new books from top authors such as Beverly Barton, who continues THE PROTECTORS, and Marie Ferrarella, who revisits THE BABY OF THE MONTH CLUB. And in future months look for New York Times bestselling author Linda Howard, with A Game of Chance (yes, it’s Chance Mackenzie’s story at long last), and a special in-line two-in-one collection by Maggie Shayne and Marilyn Pappano, called Who Do You Love? All that and more of A YEAR OF LOVING DANGEROUSLY, as well as new books from the authors who’ve made Intimate Moments the place to come for a mix of excitement and romance no reader can resist. Enjoy!

Leslie J. Wainger

Executive Senior Editor

Imminent Danger

Carla Cassidy


is an award-winning author who has written over thirty-five books for Silhouette. In 1995, she won Best Silhouette Romance from Romantic Times Magazine for Anything for Danny. In 1998, she also won a Career Achievement Award for Best Innovative Series from Romantic Times Magazine.

Carla believes the only thing better than curling up with a good book to read is sitting down at the computer with a good story to write. She’s looking forward to writing many more books and bringing hours of pleasure to readers.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15


Chapter 1

They hadn’t told him she was blind.

Jesse Wilder stared out his living room window, watching the beige sedan that had pulled up at the curb. The driver helped a woman from the car then handed her the traditional white-tipped cane for the blind.

Jesse frowned, his mind racing with how the woman’s sight limitations might complicate things. Already everything was complicated enough.

As the couple drew closer, Jesse studied them intently. He knew the man was Kent Keller, the U.S. Marshal who, along with Bob Sanford, had set up this whole thing. He didn’t yet know the woman’s name, and in any case would probably never be privy to her real name.

In Jesse’s eight years of working in law enforcement, the last four as Sheriff of Mustang, Montana, he’d never been involved in anything like this. He wouldn’t be now if Bob Sanford hadn’t asked for his help.

He narrowed his eyes, studying the woman, her cane awkwardly tapping the sidewalk in front of her.

It was difficult to discern much about her features. Oversize glasses and dark bangs obscured the top portion of her face, and the late-summer breeze blew a strand of her long dark hair across her cheek, further cloaking her features.

Protective custody for a week or two. Jesse’s responsibility was to keep this woman out of harm’s way.

He moved away from the window as the couple approached the house. A moment later a knock sounded. Drawing a deep breath, Jesse answered the door.

“Sheriff Wilder?” The tall, gray-haired man had eyes like flint and his face looked as if it had never known the softness of a smile.

“Yes, sir,” Jesse replied, fighting the automatic impulse to salute the stern man.

“I’m Marshal Keller.”

He shook Keller’s hand hard and met his icy gaze unflinchingly.

Jesse stepped aside to allow them entry into his home. “Please, come in.”

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