In The Arms Of The Sheikh

In The Arms Of The Sheikh
О книге

The bridesmaid–and the best man!Natasha Lambert is a stylish career girl who's horrified by what she has to wear as her best friend's bridesmaid! Worse, the best man is Kazim al Saraq–an infuriatingly charming sheikh with a dazzling wit and an old-fashioned take on romance. He's determined to win Natasha's heart–and she's terrified he might succeed….What Natasha doesn't know is that she's in danger from more than just her rioting emotions–and Kazim will do anything to protect her. He'd even risk his life for her…

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Harlequin Romance® is delighted to feature another lively, sophisticated novel by bestselling author

Sophie Weston

Be swept away by her exuberant, compelling writing style, and her strong characters that all women can identify with!

Books by Sophie Weston




“Are you sure that there is really no room for a man in your life?”

Natasha said sturdily, “He’d be completely surplus to requirements. No question.”

He looked down at her thoughtfully, almost pityingly. For a moment she almost thought he was going to pat her on the head. Her eyes dared him to try.

But he did something even more unsettling. He touched her lower lip with a caress. Natasha flinched as if she had scalded herself. The little touch was somehow more intimate than a kiss.

He gave a soft laugh that nobody but the two of them could have heard.

“It would take me one night to change your mind,” he murmured, his breath stirring the hair that curled round her ear. “Just…one…night.”

Natasha gasped. She sought vainly for a crushing retort.

But it was too late. He was gone.

In the Arms of the Sheikh

Sophie Weston

Born in London, Sophie Weston is a traveler by nature, who started writing when she was five. She wrote her first romance recovering from illness, thinking her traveling was over. She was wrong, but she enjoyed writing so much that she has carried on. These days she lives in the heart of the city, with two demanding cats and a cherry tree—and travels the world looking for settings for her stories.


NEW YORK is paradise for insomniacs, thought Natasha Lambert. It never sleeps. Let’s hear it for New York!

She pressed her nose against the window of her hotel room and looked down twenty storeys. The November sky was as black as midnight. It was five in the morning. But cars’ headlights still swooped along the rain soaked street and there were people on the sidewalk.

Who were they? People going to work? People coming in from all-night clubbing? Natasha could see a couple emerging from the awning of the hotel, while a porter put a mountain of baggage in their cab.

A couple…In spite of the hotel’s admirable central heating, she found she was shivering. Stop that, she told herself.

Quickly, she went back to the high-concept executive desk that was the reason she had booked this luxury suite in the first place. Not that she looked like a high-concept executive at the moment, thought Natasha, grinning. Not in her sweats and beloved furry slippers with cat faces.

Her laptop stood open in a pool of light. Natasha sat down at it and wriggled her toes in their comforting fur, debating what colour to turn her presentation slides.

Blue? Too cold. Red? Too aggressive.

Just like me, she thought wryly. Her last boyfriend had delivered a comprehensive character analysis before they had stopped seeing each other. Heartless, he’d called her. It had driven him mad when she’d cheerfully agreed with him.

‘It’s not a compliment,’ he yelled.

‘Maybe not to you. I’ve worked hard to get like this.’

That was when he left, fuming.

Now the phone rang. Not taking her eyes off the screen, Natasha scooped it up.


‘Can I leave a message for Natasha Lambert, please?’

Natasha grinned. ‘It’s me,’ she said ungrammatically. ‘Hi, Izzy.’

There was an anguished screech. ‘Oh, no.’

Natasha’s grin widened. Izzy Dare was her very best friend.

‘Flattering,’ she remarked. ‘Aren’t you talking to me any more, Izzy? What have I done?’

But Izzy was too full of remorse to laugh. ‘I was trying to leave a message with the desk clerk. I never meant to wake you up.’

‘You didn’t.’

Natasha swirled a pie chart round on the screen. Both red and blue maybe? After all, cold and aggressive were often an advantage in business. Heartless, she might be, but she was very successful.

It was a long time since she had cared what people said about her. Anything was fine, as long as they also said she got the job done. And they did.

She stopped playing with her pie chart. ‘What can I do for you, Izzy?’

But Izzy was still worried. ‘You’re sure I didn’t wake you? But I thought New York was five hours behind London. What on earth is the time there?’

Natasha detached her eyes from the screen and cast a rapid look at her discreetly expensive platinum watch.

‘Just after five.’

‘And you’re up?’ Izzy was horrified.

‘Lambert Research never sleeps,’ said Natasha smugly.

‘But why?’

‘Breakfast meeting with the Head Honcho. They slipped it in at the last moment, so I’m reworking the presentation.’

‘Is he nice?’ said Izzy, temporarily sidetracked.


‘The Head Honcho.’

Natasha choked at the thought. ‘David Frankel is a short, fat workaholic with a nasty sideline in groping if you let him get too close,’ she announced. ‘He’s also focused as a needle.’

‘Sounds horrid.’

‘That’s why he’s Head Honcho,’ said Natasha peacefully. ‘Powerful men are horrid. It’s part of their job description.’

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