Is Christianity a branch of Zoroastrianism?

Is Christianity a branch of Zoroastrianism?
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Magi, or magicians, were called Zoroastrian priests, in Persian mopeds. "When Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the days of King Herod, the magi came to Jerusalem from the east," says the Gospel of Matthew. From the east – from Parthia (Iran), where the main religion at that time was Zoroastrianism. They carried out a sacred mission, seeking to expand the influence of their religion among the Jews to fight against Rome. It is believed that by offering the newborn Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh, the magi honored him as a king, high priest and sacrifice.

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Magi, or magicians, were called Zoroastrian priests, Mobeds in Persian. "When Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the days of King Herod, the magi came to Jerusalem from the east," says the Gospel of Matthew. From the east – from Parthia (Iran), where the main religion at that time was Zoroastrianism. They carried out a sacred mission, seeking to expand the influence of their religion among the Jews to fight against Rome. It is believed that by offering the newborn Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh, the magi honored him as a king, high priest and sacrifice. But the same gifts symbolize the three dominant castes of Zoroastrian society and three types of varna (in Sanskrit, "Varna" – letters – "quality", "color", 4 main classes in Ancient India, the dominant position in society was occupied by Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas, Sudras were a caste of inferior, dependent people). Similarly, in Zoroastrianism, the hwarna of the priest, the hwarna of the ruler and the hwarna of the warrior stood out. The symbol of royal charisma is gold, priestly – frankincense, military – myrrh, because warriors sacrifice themselves in the name of peace. At that time, various dualistic religious teachings were spread in Parthia (Iran), which viewed the world as a struggle between the good principle led by the god Ormazd and his spirits and the evil principle led by the god Ahriman and his demons (devas). These teachings associated with the name of Zarathustra have not yet received final formalization. Later they received a dogmatic form in the Avesta books recognized as sacred and in this form became known as Zoroastrianism. The religion of Mithraism (the god Mithra) is also connected with Iran, which in the first centuries of Christianity was a serious competitor to it. Myths, the appearance of Mithras himself, the cult of Mithraism largely coincides with mythology, the cult of Christianity. Suffice it to say that the birth of the god Mithras was widely celebrated in the Roman Empire on December 25. Initially, Christmas was celebrated on January 6, along with epiphany and epiphany, only in the IV century, when Christianity became the dominant religion in Rome, it was postponed to December 25 to displace the cult of Mithras. Syncretism was characteristic of the top of Parthian society, expressed in the fusion of local and Hellenic gods. In general, the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia (247 BC – 224 BC). In contrast to the later Sassanid dynasty, who were zealous advocates of pure Zoroastrianism. In the I century A.D., Zoroastrianism was reformed in Parthia, ancient texts were collected, and one of the oldest editions of the Avesta was created. During its greatest heyday, the Parthian Kingdom stretched from Babylonia through Iran to the Indus Valley. The Parthian kingdom ceased to exist around 224, when the Sassanid state emerged.

Mag. Iran. Silver statuette of the VI-V centuries BC. World history. Moscow, 1956, Vol. II, p. 206.

Holy three kings. Mosaic, the beginning of the VI century. San Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. Italy.

The rulers of Parthia during the supposed life of Jesus Christ:

* Phraates IV 38-2 BC, son of Orodes II. The son of Orodes II, was appointed successor after the death of the crown Prince Pacorus in the war with Rome. Although he was appointed heir to the throne, he ascended the throne by killing his father, King Orod II, after which he killed all his brothers. Waged wars with Rome. As a result of the skillful maneuvers of the Parthian army, Mark Anthony was defeated, lost most of his troops. He considered that he was defeated as a result of the betrayal of the Armenian king Artavazd, whom he later, in 34 BC. E., having invaded Armenia, removed from power, and transferred the Armenian throne to another Artavazd – the king of Atropatena, as a result of which Armenia was under the rule of Atropatena. But after the civil war between Mark Antony and Octavian Augustus, Rome's power in the region weakened significantly, which Phraates IV took advantage of: invading Atropatene, he forced the king of Atropatene to give up the Armenian crown, which he handed over to his protege Artashes, the son of the Armenian king Artavazd deposed by Mark Antony. The brutal rule of Phraates IV caused outrage among both the Parthian feudal lords and the common population, who in 32 BC overthrew Phraates IV, giving the throne to Tiridates II, but Tiridates could not reign for a long time, since Phraates IV, with the help of the Sakas, regained the throne in the same year. At the same time, Phraates IV reached a peace agreement with Rome, according to which all Roman prisoners of war were released and the Roman standards were returned, which made an unimaginable impression in Rome. In addition, Armenia was also recognized as an interest of Rome, becoming a vassal kingdom from Rome. Phraates IV sent five of his sons as honorary hostages to Rome, effectively recognizing himself as an ally of Rome, thereby further strengthening peace agreements with him. This act was done by him on the recommendation of his wife Muse, a Roman by origin. He appointed his son Phraates, born from a marriage with the Muse, as the heir. In 2 BC , Phraates IV was killed by conspirators led by his wife and his son Phraates , the future king Phraates V.

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