It's Not Rocket Science

It's Not Rocket Science
О книге

Stop chasing hot trends and start driving real growth

It's Not Rocket Science blasts through the trends and false promises permeating the business world to help you and your company get back to basics and get things done. Why doggedly pursue the "next big thing" when the most effective drivers of growth are right under your nose? This book asserts that you've already heard, been taught, and know well the key fundamentals that spell business success, and presents a compelling, four strategy blueprint for returning your business culture and strategies to a rock solid foundation of execution excellence. Each chapter opens with The Challenge, which outlines a current condition that exists due to a departure from common sense behaviors, and tasks you with following the appropriate execution principles to get your business on the right track. After a thorough explanation of "what" and "why," each chapter gives you the actionable "how" so you can implement these valuable steps and master the art of execution in your organization.

Shifting sands do not make for a sustainable structure. If your organization is to be robust and strong enough to weather any storm, the strength must come from the very core; the ability for each member of your team to execute daily and effectively towards your organization's most compelling goals. Frankly, the last things most organizations need is another goal they'll miss because they can't execute well. This book reminds you of the four timeless execution methods and strategies that have proven themselves over centuries, and shows you how they are implemented in today's business environment.

Get the leaders right

Get the culture right

Get the people right

Get the process right

Today's flash in the pan may be superficially intriguing, but is it really that much different from yesterday's "hot tip"? Fundamentals are fundamental for a reason, and It's Not Rocket Science is the common sense guide to putting away flavor-of-the-month toys and getting down to business.


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It's Not Rocket Science
4 Simple Strategies
for Mastering the Art of Execution
Dave Anderson
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Cover image: Man Flying with Rocket Pack © Images

Cover design: C. Wallace

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Copyright © 2015 by The Dave Anderson Corporation. All rights reserved

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Anderson, Dave, 1961-

It's not rocket science: 4 simple strategies for mastering the art of execution/Dave Anderson.

pages cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-1-119-11663-9 (cloth); ISBN 978-1-119-11664-6 (ePDF); ISBN 978-1-119-11665-3 (ePub)

1. Management. 2. Leadership. 3. Organizational behavior. 4. Organizational effectiveness.

I. Title.

HD31.A5479 2015

658 – dc23



This book, a wondrous exercise in free speech, is dedicated to those who are persecuted for exercising another of life's greatest freedoms: the freedom to choose and express one's religious beliefs


• A huge thanks goes to my LearnToLead team for picking up the slack for me while I focused on completing this book on time, and for continuing to grow our company at a pace that defies logic.

• Special thanks goes to my wife, Rhonda, and daughter, Ashley, for their support and encouragement throughout the process. You two are amazing teammates in life and business.

• To Shannon Vargo and Elizabeth Gildea at John Wiley & Sons: After 11 books together you all get better and better. We made this deal with one 20-minute phone call: no agents, multiple meetings, or other unproductive nonsense. Thank you for your enthusiasm and for your regard for my time.

• A big thanks goes to Ryan Cota, my friend and copy editor, who came out of “copyediting retirement” to whip this book into shape.

• To our many friends and clients around the globe who make what we do in our company and with our Matthew 25:35 Foundation possible: May God bless you abundantly in your leadership walk.


When you read a Dave Anderson work, it is like having a chair set for him in your conference room, boardroom, or locker room. He can take all of the issues facing leaders, companies, and teams today and bring clarity and purpose to them. It's Not Rocket Science is like having a manual for how to execute the daily steps we have to take, knowing these steps constantly change. Circumstances may change but our discipline to execute under pressure and produce results cannot. Dave gives real-time, real-life ways to make this happen regardless of the size or scope of what you lead.

Although there are numerous way to describe what you receive from a Dave Anderson book, inspiration, vision, confidence, and go-to strategies all come to mind. In It's Not Rocket Science Dave ties it all together into a process that helps us execute relentlessly on a daily basis. Once we get the vision and strategy right, the only way we can convert them into results is by leading our team with an effective execution process.

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