Kisses on Her Christmas List

Kisses on Her Christmas List
О книге

Shannon's Christmas Wish List1. A gorgeous billionaire to buy her store…enter Rory Wallace–swoon!2. The magic of Christmas…Rory and his little girl need to know that it still exists.3. Willpower…because kissing Rory under the mistletoe would be a Very Bad Idea.Shannon Raleigh can't believe that both Rory Wallace and his little girl dislike Christmas so much and she's determined to make her favorite season as magical as possible! But working with handsome Rory every day proves challenging, because Shannon finds herself longing for Christmas kisses with the man she can never have….

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Shannon’s heart pounded in her chest and her insides had all but turned to mush.

For a few seconds there, when their conversation had paused, she could have sworn Rory was going to slide his hand behind her neck and pull her forward so he could kiss her.

Kiss her!

What a crazy thing to think! Ridiculous wishful thinking on her part, that’s what it was. They might be having fun with his daughter, but that was no reason for a man to kiss a woman. She was simply too much of a romantic.

But figuring all this out now was actually a good thing. Rory had come right out and said that if he married again, he would want kids. His own kids.

And didn’t that sound painfully familiar? She wasn’t sure she could handle that kind of rejection again. So she was glad they’d had this little talk early on. There’d be no more wishful thinking. No more hoping he’d kiss her.

But right here and right now, she was a lonely woman, and she had both Rory and his daughter in her yard, enjoying her company. She’d be crazy to be upset. Crazier still to withdraw just because there couldn’t be anything romantic between her and Rory. No matter what he said or how busy he was, someday he’d want to remarry. He’d want that family. Those kids.

And she couldn’t have any.

Dear Reader,

After the year spent working on books about three brothers forming a rather large, rather noisy family, it was a culture shock to write only child Shannon Raleigh’s story.

It seemed everybody in Shannon’s life deserted her. Her husband left her. Her parents retired and moved out of town. And suddenly she was back in her hometown, running the family department store, with orders to sell it. She couldn’t even get cozy with her neighbors or employees. As soon as she sold the store, she had to leave.

Enter Rory Wallace. He seemed to be Shannon’s opposite. His wife might have left him, but his parents loved him and he has a brother and a sister…and a daughter. Though Finley the Diva is a bit hard to discipline on occasion, she’s actually a lovable little girl…with a problem. She doesn’t like Christmas because her mom left on Christmas Day two years before.

Can a woman who only wants a little companionship while she prepares for the holiday actually heal the hearts and souls of two wounded people, who don’t even realize they’re as lonely as she is?

I hope you like this story. I sprinkled it with lots of holiday fun, Christmas cookies and the wonder of seeing Christmas for the first time through the eyes of a little girl.


Kisses on Her Christmas List

Susan Meier

Susan Meier spent most of her twenties thinking she was a job-hopper—until she began to write and realized everything that had come before was only research! One of eleven children, with twenty-four nieces and nephews and three kids of her own, Susan has had plenty of real-life experience watching romance blossom in unexpected ways. She lives in western Pennsylvania with her wonderful husband, Mike, three children, and two over-fed, well-cuddled cats, Sophie and Fluffy. You can visit Susan’s website at

For my friend Denise.

















SHANNON RALEIGH turned to get a look at herself in the full-length mirror in the bathroom of her executive office suite and gaped in horror. The tall black boots and short red velvet dress she wore exposed most of her legs and the white fur-trimmed U at the bodice revealed a sizable strip of cleavage.

“I can’t go into a roomful of kids dressed like this!”

Even from behind the closed door, she could hear her assistant Wendy sigh heavily. “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?”

“Because I know you’ll say I look fine, when I don’t. I can’t usher kids to Santa’s lap in a skirt so short I can’t bend over.”

“So don’t bend over.” Another sigh. “Look, Shannon, it doesn’t matter that you’re eight inches taller than Carlie. There’s nobody else who’s even remotely thin enough to fit into that suit. Carlie’s car is stuck in a snowdrift. If you don’t play Santa’s helper there’ll be no one to—”

The ring of the phone stopped Wendy midsentence. The next thing Shannon heard was Wendy’s happy voice saying, “Raleigh’s Department Store. Shannon Raleigh’s assistant, Wendy, speaking.”

In the lull while Wendy obviously listened to the caller, Shannon cast another critical eye over her reflection. The little red dress was kind of cute. The color complemented her long black hair and made her blue eyes seem bluer. If she were wearing it anywhere else, she’d actually think she looked pretty.

A long-forgotten ache filled her. It was the first time in a year she felt pretty, sexy. But sexy wasn’t exactly the way a grown woman should dress in a room filled with babies, toddlers and elementary school kids.

The ache was quickly replaced by fear—which was the real reason she didn’t want to play Santa’s helper. How could she spend four hours in a room full of adorable children? She wanted a baby so badly it hurt, but she couldn’t have kids. And seeing all those sweet faces, hearing their cute little lists, would crush her.

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