Knights Divided

Knights Divided
О книге

Though Emmeline Spencer captured Jamie Harcourt as her prisoner, the rogue adventurer stole kisses from her that were sweet beyond her wildest imagining. Yet how could Emma love the man suspected of the murder of her beloved sister? Heir to the Sommerville legacy of bravery, Jamie Harcourt had willingly entered a maze of intrigue knowing full well there was little hope of escape. Though he hadn't counted on the interference - or the inspiration - of the Lady Emmeline.

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“Unhand me!” Emmeline tried,

futilely, to escape.

“Not just yet, Emma. First we are going to talk.”


Jamie turned her and sat her down on one muscular thigh. “That name does not suit you. ’Tis too formal and stuffy for a lady with your spirit and passion.”

Emmeline’s mouth gaped open. She snapped it shut. “You know naught about me,” she sputtered.

“You forget, I’ve sampled that fire you seem so determined to hide.” He glanced briefly at her mouth, a subtle reminder of the devastating kiss they’d shared. When his gaze returned to hers, its intensity was anything but subtle. Blatant desire flared in that single midnight eye.

Emmeline gasped sharply as an answering heat streaked through her. It sank deep, touching some hidden core of herself. like a sleeping dragon, the seed unfurled again, spreading the flames. “Nay,” she whispered, denying the rush of sensation….

Dear Reader,

With this month’s Knights Divided, Suzanne Barclay again returns to her award-winning Sommerville Brothers series. Emmeline Spencer kidnaps Jamie Harcourt, believing that he is responsible for the death of her sister, but the innocent Jamie escapes;. turning the tables on her and bringing Emmeline along as his captive. Don’t miss this exciting story where lovers must battle evil before they find true happiness.

On the trail of a gang of female outlaws. Federal Marshal Clay Chandler doesn’t realize that he’s falling in love with their leader in Judith Stacy’s heartwarming Western, Outlaw Love. Haunted by their pasts, a gambler and a nobleman’s daughter turn to each other for protection against falling in love in Nina Beaumont’s new book, Surrender the Heart. And in Bogus Bride, by Australian Emily French, spirited Caitlin Parr must convince her new husband-that although he had intended to marry her sister, she is his true soul mate.

Whatever your taste in reading, we hope you’ll find a story written just for you between the covers of a Harlequin Historical novel. Keep a lookout for all four titles wherever Harlequin Historicals are sold.


Tracy Farrell,

Senior Editor

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has been an avid reader since she was very young; her mother claims Suzanne could read and recite “The Night Before Christmas” on her first birthday! Not surprisingly, history was her favorite subject in school and historical novels are her number-one reading choice. The house she shares with her husband and their two dogs is set on fifty-five acres of New York State’s wine-growing region. When she’s not writing, the author makes fine furniture and carpets in miniature.

Derry, EnglandSeptember 4, 1386

“Mistress? There’s soldiers come into the shop asking for ye,” Peter whispered from the door of the workroom.

Emmeline started, scattering the costly saffron threads she’d been transferring to a parchment packet for a customer. “Did they say what they wanted?”

Her apprentice shook his head so violently blond hair whipped across his fear-filled eyes. “Th-they s-said they had to tell ye something.”

Something bad. “Did they mention Cedric?”

“Nay, ’twas ye they asked for, not yer sire.”

“I see.” Drat. Six months ago she’d nearly lost the shop paying up his gambling debts, and he’d promised…Emmeline sighed. She’d learned early that Cedric le Trompour’s promises were seldom more than a puff of breath. And that usually stinking with sour ale. What had the old reprobate done now? And how much was it going to cost her to extricate him?

Through the open doorway that separated the shop from the back room where she stored the more costly herbs and made creams from her mother’s recipes, Emmeline glimpsed the three men who’d invaded her establishment. Two were obviously soldiers, hard-faced men in dark livery with watchful eyes and huge swords.

The third stranger was a rumpled little man who prowled the shop’s interior, poking a pudgy finger into the bunches of dried herbs with the air of complete absorption. His face” was round and wrinkled as the old-fashioned brown gown he wore. A rim of frizzy gray hair lapped at the edges of his bald pate like moss on a shiny rock. He didn’t look like the sort of man who’d demand she sell the apothecary shop she’d inherited from her mother just to satisfy a drunken old fool’s gaming debts.

Emmeline drew in a steadying breath. “I’ll see what they want. Please finish packaging this saffron for Dame Wentworth, Peter, and mind no more than three threads per packet.”

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