Know Your Mind

Know Your Mind
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This present moment has a mind of its own. The existence has a mind of its own. It is running this entire show.Now and then if you get reminded of this fact, you are at such peace, you get freedom from your cravings and all that you long for. When there is trust in the divinity, trust in the laws of the universe then you don’t have to worry about anything. Everything will happen spontaneously. – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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Know Your Mind

H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Know Your Mind

1>st edition: September 2011

Copyrights 2011 © All rights reserved.

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eISBN: 978 9 351 06636 1

Sri Sri Publications Trust,

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When will there be no questions? Questions will not exist when one has no intelligence or when the mind is at peace. That is a good thing. Isn’t it? An excellent state!

It is impossible not to have any intelligence at all. Everybody has at least a little bit of intelligence. When you cross over intelligence and the mind gets into feelings and innocence, then no questions will arise. Even if a question arises, that question will be satisfied by small answers itself. Look at children. They ask something like where did this elephant come from and if you say it came from the forest, they just become silent. They agree with you. Isn’t it?

All the questions in the mind should be converted to exclamations. That is why they say, “Yo buddhi paratattva sa.” That which is beyond the intellect is the Divine. You will not get the Divine if you attempt to catch the Divine through the intellect.

Thoughts arise, therefore thoughts have a source. If you go on a road, you can only see a small part of the road you cannot see the whole road. But if you are seated in an aircraft, then you can see the beginning and the end of the road from the aircraft. If you are seated in a car, you can only see a few hundred meters of the road. At the most you can see half a kilometer of the road. But from the aircraft you can see the whole road, from the beginning to its end.

In the same way, as our consciousness keeps expanding more and more, you get to know more about the past and the future. All this begins to happen naturally, but none of the happenings are great events in any case!

The important thing is to live in the present moment. The mind always swings between the past and the future. When this swinging stops, then the time stops too. That is our true nature. The mind is like a firefly which gets attracted towards light. The mind, like the firefly, is constantly searching for its source through various objects. When it gets surprised, it begins to search for its source. The moment it obtains the vision of its source, the mind vanishes. This is a technique of meditation.

You must have heard this story. Once, Lord Krishna developed a severe headache because there were too many gopis and they were constantly fighting about this and that. All this caused him a severe headache. Radha was seated near him and was pressing his head. Even that did not help Krishna.

Then Krishna said, “Radha, stand on my head and put the whole weight of your body on my head.” Radha agreed to this and stood on Krishna’s head. The other gopis who saw this came running to her and said, “Oh! Radha! What are you doing? You will go to hell. You are standing on the Lord’s head!” Do you know what Radha replied?

Radha said, “I am prepared to spend all my life in hell. If my Lord can be relieved of his headache even for two minutes by this act of mine, then that is sufficient for me. I am ready to spend my whole life in hell just for those two minutes.”

All of them there appreciated Radha’s devotion and the depth of her devotion. That was because every cell of Radha was dedicated only to Krishna. For her there was nothing but Krishna in the whole world. She was totally immersed in Krishna. Radha’s love was so complete. Why was Radha only the most favourite of Krishna amongst all the gopis? Why did Krishna love Radha the most? This the gopis understood.

Radha was totally selfless. She had nothing inside her. That is why Radha is first and then comes Govinda – Radhe Govinda! Radha would breathe Krishna. Radha obtained a higher state than Krishna. So if you ever wish to worship Krishna, then first you need to become Radha and then worship Krishna.

If you want to worship Rama, you should become Hanuman first and then worship Rama. Rama could not have won the war without the help of Hanuman. Rama required Hanuman’s help. That is why Hanuman is greater than Rama.

If you want to be a servant then be a servant like Hanuman. If you want to be a lover, then be a lover like Radha. If you want to do penance, then do penance like Parvati. To perform the worship of Shiva, we have to become Parvati first and then worship Shiva. Parvati had only one desire in her, to obtain Shiva.

Hanuman is said to have 14 kalaas or digits whereas Rama had only 12 kalaas or digits. Hanuman would breathe Rama. Hanuman is greater than Rama. That is why he could carry Rama on his shoulders and help him. Isn’t it? Who else can help? Hanuman became a devotee and therefore much more powerful.

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