You Turn India

You Turn India
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India has seen wave after wave of plunder.These continuous plunders have impoverished the land.Plunder and poverty are two sides of the same coin.Where plunder occurs, poverty follows.The plunder of India have occurred in 3 distinct waves.The 3rd wave of plunder is on today, black money and havens.Brethren, through corruption, black money and tax havens.Is there a way to arrest and reverse this 3rd wave of plunder to get the monies back?If the monies do return, what should you choose as the formula for deploying them to rejuvenate the economy and the land in a sustainable manner, for next few centuries and millennia to come?The past shows us that, harnessing well, the water resources of the land, was the path our ancients had taken for sustainable, all round wellbeing and prosperity of the civilization, through the ages.Today, India on a road lined with plunder, Poverty and Parchedness.It is time to act to turn India around.Can you Turn India?A Total U-Turn!

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Bharath Gyan Series

Original title : You Turn India

First Edition : May 2011

Second Edition : August 2011

Copyrights 2011 © Bharath Gyan & Sri Sri Publications Trust All rights reserved.

Graphics, Design & Layout : Bharath Gyan Studio

Published by :

Sri Sri Publications Trust Art of Living International Centre 21st km, Kanakapura Road, P.O. Udayapura, Bangalore - 560082. INDIA Tel. +91 80 327 22 473 [email protected]

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Printed by :

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eISBN 978 9 351 06640 8

Benedictory Note

H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Founder - Art of Living

Corruption begins where the sense of belongingness ends. As the sense of belongingness grows, we feel responsible for everyone and everything. It then becomes difficult to cheat or deceive, as you know that the person on the receiving end is after all your own. This feeling of belongingness increases through spirituality which makes one recognise everyone as their own.Of late, I have been speaking about “Scam India and Slum India”. Scams and slums in India are but two sides of the same coin. The scams that have occurred have kept India a poor nation which manifests in the poverty and the slums that we have.

If only we could remove the scar of the scams, India would be prosperous once again.

This book ‘You Turn India’ by D.K. Hari and Hema Hari addresses this issue head on and unravels the root of the problem. It offers a practical solution to bring back the black money to India and how such monies once brought back can be deployed in invigorating the economy by harnessing the waters of the land.

This could prove to be a boon for the future generations.

15th April, 2011

Bengaluru, India.

About Bharath Gyan

Bharath Gyan has been collating specific, scientific knowledge of India, using ancient knowledge sources and modern scientific tools and methods, from a presentday perspective and relevance.

The knowledge of the Indian civilization is available scattered in various forms – books, manuscripts, oral tradition amongst scholars, various art forms, customs and traditions of the land.

The current generation faces a barrier while reaching out to this knowledge due to the limited availability and access to such resources, the ancient languages and the style of expression used, the approach to the subjects, all of which are in contrast to the present day system of expression or understanding.

In Bharath Gyan, as part of our quest for the specific scientific knowledge and practices of the civilization, we have come across many stories, ideas, views, theories, factual events and statements.

With the help of traditional scholars with a modern bent of mind and modern scientists open to traditional knowledge systems, we have endeavoured to carefully sift through all this data, with an inquisitive, rational, logical and scientific mind to understand the knowledge from a fresh interdisciplinary perspective. The outcome of this analysis is the compilation of Bharath Gyan.

Over 10 years, spanning across 108 subjects, the independent facts and data collated, self validate and corroborate each other beautifully in this compilation, as pieces of a jigsaw.

Bharath Gyan, a not for profit, research organization, is in the process of bringing this knowledge out through far reaching and engaging mediums so that it can be easily understood and enjoyed by all across the world.

The objective is to bring out this knowledge and wisdom, in relevance to current day topics of interest, trials and tribulations faced by Indians as well as the world.

Besides filling the readers with wonder at the not-so-commonly known scientific facets of our ancient civilization, it is hoped that this knowledge and approach of the ancients will kindle or aid future research for the benefit of science and mankind.

Can we make the past converge with the present for the future?

Ours is perhaps not the first effort in this direction, neither should it be the last …

As one of the initiatives, Bharath Gyan, encouraged by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar, has entered into an alliance with The Art of Living to jointly repurpose the compiled knowledge into various knowledge products for dissemination to the community at large.

Our website provides more insights into our activities.


The Authors, D.K. Hema Hari and D.K. Hari Conceptualizers, Bharath Gyan

In the last 100 years,various books on India, both historical and otherwise have repeatedly focussed on the wars and conquests rather than the richness of this land, its people and culture. Consequently, there exists a perception, widely prevalent amongst all, that India has always been a poor country. In the last few decades, we have also been referred to as a 3

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