
О книге

Olivia Didn't Believe in Second ChancesShe and Cal Devlin had been in love a lifetime ago, before she'd lost everything and been branded a "scarlet woman." And though she longed for nothing more than to be back in Cal's arms, their passion could only mean his ruin… !Caleb had learned that some Texans never forgave their native sons who fought for the Union, but as the new lawman in town, he was determined to prove himself worthy of respect, and win back the heart of the woman he'd left behind.

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Cal’s grin broadened. He couldn’t help it.

“Why, Miz Livy, could it be you’re jealous?”

“Jealous?” Livy repeated incredulously, going pale, and then her blue eyes blazed up at him. “Why, you have your nerve, you—you conceited polecat! If we weren’t on a public street, I’d—I’d slap your face, Caleb Devlin!”

He raised an eyebrow and hooked his thumbs in his frock coat pockets. “Again? My, you are becomin’ a violent woman, aren’t you, Livy?” he drawled. He saw her hands clench into fists at her sides. “If the urge is really overpowering, we could just duck in here, so you could get it out of your system in private,” he added, nodding toward the jail they were standing by.

He felt his grin widening. Her face was flushed—like a woman in the throes of passion. She really would slap his face if he told her that!

Dear Reader,

Laurie Grant fans rejoice, the Readers’ Choice Awardwinning author is back this month with her new Western, Lawman. In this fast-paced sequel to her 1996 release, Devil’s Dare, a lonely lawman rediscovers love in the arms of his childhood sweetheart. Don’t miss this wonderful tale from an author whom Affaire de Coeur calls “an unbelievably gifted writer.”

For those of you who enjoy the Regency era, Taylor Ryan’s The Essential Wife is the delightful story of a dashing nobleman who suddenly finds himself in love with the penniless heiress whom he has arranged to marry out of pity.

Nevada Territory is the setting for All But the Queen of Hearts, Rae Muir’s heartwarming Western about a shy farm widow and the handsome stranger who was swindled in a poker game by her late husband. And we are very pleased this month to be able to bring you Silhouette Yours Truly and Special Edition author Beth Henderson’s first historical for Harlequin, Reckless, in which a young woman accused of being a jewel thief is rescued by a mysterious baron intent on clearing her name.

We hope you keep a lookout for all four titles wherever Harlequin Historicals are sold.


Tracy Farrell

Senior Editor

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Laurie Grant

In grateful acknowledgment to Helen Wade, who helped with details regarding the Episcopal Church, and Paul Becerra and Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Egea, who helped me with my Spanish.


combines a career as a trauma center emergency room nurse with that of historical romance author; she says the writing helps keep her sane. Passionately enthusiastic about the history of both England and Texas, she divides her travel time between these two spots. She is married to her own real-life hero, and has two teenage daughters, two dogs and a cat.

If you would like to write to Laurie, please use the address below:

Laurie Grant

P.O. Box 307274

Gahana, OH 43230

To Deb and Mary, Hussies both And always, to Michael

Brazos County, Texas


“Oh, son, I still can’t believe you’re here, and alive,” Sarah Devlin said. Her voice was choked with tears, but her face was beaming as she stared across the table at him.

His brother Sam, seeing that Cal was in the midst of chewing some of their mother’s famous pecan pie, said, “Aw, Ma, Cal sent me home ahead of him just so you could get used to the idea.” Sam grinned in delight, for it had been he who had found Cal, whom they’d all thought dead, when he’d herded some cattle north to Abilene on a trail drive. Sam had his arm around Mercy, his new bride, whom he’d also found in Abilene and brought home with him to Texas.

“Sorry I’m not the same beautiful boy you sent away, Ma,” Cal said with self-deprecating humor, referring to the black patch that now covered his sightless right eye, the two scars that radiated over his cheek from beneath the patch and the black hair that was now mixed with silver. The middle child of the Devlin brood, he was only four years older than Sam, but he looked ten years older.

“You’re still a beautiful sight to me, Caleb Travis Devlin,” his mother replied stoutly, her gaze still adoring. “I’d gotten so used to thinking of you as dead, you could have come back with both eyes patched and no arms and legs and I’d still think you were a beautiful sight.”

“That’s all we need on this place—one more cripple.” Garrick’s sour voice came from the far end of the table.

Cal winced inwardly as he glanced at his eldest brother, who’d had a leg amputated above the knee after a minié ball had shattered both bones in his shin. It was obvious Garrick still hadn’t gotten over the depression that often came with such a loss. Cal knew what such a morass of despair could be like because he’d gone through it himself.

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