
О книге

The leadership secrets that experts and top professionals use.Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Leadership.Includes how to:• Understand and develop your leadership style• Identify strategic goals for your department• Motivate and manage teams of all sizes• Build a culture of results and responsibility• Lead the way out of a crisis


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The experts tell all!

Michael Heath

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page

2.2 Lead but don’t forget to manage

2.3 Lead to bring about ‘climate change’

2.4 Be confident as a strong leader

2.5 Have enough humility to avoid humiliation

2.6 Open up to people

Leadership strategy

3.1 Think of forests – not trees

3.2 Avoid a short-sighted vision

3.3 Strategy: get it into their heads

3.4 Turn your strategy into action

3.5 Be a business expert

Leadership and execution

4.1 Get tough with tough decisions

4.2 Deliver or die

4.3 Mind your way through ‘roadblocks’

4.4 Collaborate and make everyone happy

4.5 Fight battles worth winning

4.6 Recruit and encourage ‘response-ability’

4.7 Respond to underperfomance

4.8 Negate the negative conflict

Leadership and change

5.1 Develop a vision of change everyone sees

5.2 Convince people why they must change

5.3 Be sensitive to the change process

5.4 Maintain momentum

5.5 Invite resistance

5.6 Feedback: watch the ball

5.7 Accept ambiguity

5.8 Innovate for a great Plan B

Leadership influence

6.1 Get wise to the politics

6.2 Influence: open an account today!

6.3 Give to gain when you network

6.4 Negotiate so everyone wins

6.5 Listen to learn

6.6 Prepare to present

6.7 Write as you lead

Leadership and the team

7.1 Build an empowered team

7.2 Stretch that team!

7.3 Upset your team’s thinking

7.4 Mentor your leaders-in-waiting

7.5 Trust the virtual team

7.6 Inject life into your teleconference

Jargon buster

Further reading

About The Author


About the Publisher

Over the last 50 years there have been over 1,000 studies to establish what leadership is. How leaders behave. What traits they have. I don’t have much time for them, and nor should you. Instead I’ve filled this book with the convictions, skills, beliefs and techniques that great leaders need. The behaviours you see great leaders demonstrating every day.

And what experience am I drawing on? It’s not only the 20 years or so I’ve been working in the world of leaders as a consultant. But all the other years when I experienced leadership first hand, as a corporate employee. I’ve been around leaders it was a privilege to know and leaders it was dangerous to know. Both extremes – and all the leaders in-between – provided me with insights into what really great leadership is.

So I’ve done all of the research for you. If you’re a leader or an aspiring leader, then let us spend some time together. I want you to be a memorable leader – for all of the right reasons! And I’m willing to share my 50 secrets of leadership with you. These secrets are spread over seven chapters:

 Leadership character. There is a core of behaviours, values and characteristics that great leaders have. They’re the backbone that makes them the strong, principled individuals that people look up to.

 Leadership responsibilities. Leaders change things. Their responsibilities are to take what they see and reshape it to meet the demands of the world tomorrow.

 Leadership strategy. The ability to set a strategic direction is where leaders thrive – or fall. But strategy is much more than the ‘where’, it’s also the ‘how’ and the ‘why’.

 Leadership and execution. It’s the plain old ‘getting it done’. It’s so easy to ‘talk the talk’. But execution is about getting everyone to ‘walk the walk’.

 Leadership and change. Change happens. The working world doesn’t have a habit of waiting around for others to catch up. But not everyone who works for you is going to think the same…

 Leadership influence. You need friends. Not so much in high places but in the important places. They need nurturing if you’re serious about getting your initiatives off the ground.

 Leadership and the team. You need great people around you. You also need to repeatedly challenge them to keep them great. They’re going to have to pick up the goals and make them their own.

Dip into the book or read it front to back – whichever you prefer. But promise me this. You won’t skip the questions I ask of you. These questions help you gain the insights into the skills that will turn you into a truly memorable leader.

Great leaders leave their values in the hearts of those who worked for them.

There are different styles of leadership but all of them depend on character. That’s why I’ve made character the subject of the first chapter of this book. Later chapters deal with practical aspects of leadership, but first and foremost the leader must possess the essential attributes of leadership: courage, patience, a steely mental toughness and the passion and enthusiasm needed to bring about change. Leadership that doesn’t demonstrate these principles is spineless.

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