Listen & Do

Listen & Do
О книге

Thirty short, simple, physical activities to encourage children to listen and respond to spoken English. Responding physically to English helps children learn in an enjoyable, non-threatening way that also helps them remember the language.


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Oxford Basics series

Introduction to Teaching English

Presenting New Language

Simple Listening Activities

Simple Writing Activities

Simple Reading Activities

Simple Speaking Activities

Classroom English

Intercultural Activities

Teaching Grammar

Cross-curricular Activities

Activities Using Resources

Oxford Basics for Children series

Vocabulary Activities


See the Oxford University Press ELT website at for further details. for further details.

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ISBN: 978 0 19 442240 6

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Listen and Do is a collection of thirty classroom activities for children aged 4–12. The activities help learners understand language by listening to instructions and performing them. Movement and physical involvement are natural and non-threatening ways for children to learn. By listening to instructions and following them, children can develop understanding before they speak. Physical response not only activates their memory and teaches them to think in the language, but it also makes learning enjoyable, playful, and fun.

Who is the book for?

The book is a useful resource for teachers of young and very young children. It provides teaching ideas and materials for a range of ‘listen and do’ activities. The teachers can use them:

as a supplementary material to their course

as fun activities that enable learners to move and integrate movement into learning

as ice-breakers and low-anxiety activities to help learners become more confident in their contact with English

to introduce new topics in class

to practise listening skills and comprehension.

How the units are organized

Each unit starts with a short introduction to help you plan the activity. The introduction contains the following headings:

Target language: tells you what vocabulary or language is introduced or practised in the activity.

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