Lord Of The Manor

Lord Of The Manor
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10TH ANNIVERSARY His enemy's wife No matter that the Lady Lucinda had borne a son to the man who had almost killed him, Richard of Wilmont wanted her anyway. For the fair widow brought to him a sense of belonging… and a love so powerful it would erase the past. What could she ever be to him? Lucinda wondered.Surely a knight as chivalrous as Richard of Wilmont had worthier women than she to claim his attention. She was an outcast, and unfit as wife for any man… !

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Lord Of The Manor

Shari Anton


To Ray and Jean Antoniewicz, with love.

Richard came toward Lucinda with long strides.

A tall, muscled warrior, strong of body and purpose. His arms swung at his sides in rhythm to his footfalls, and his hands were clenched. Hands that could skim over her with serene tenderness or stroke her with urgent hunger. Either way, guiding her to beyond the heavens.

She’d come to envy his inner tranquillity, admire his calm but firm treatment of his vassals, appreciate his effort to give her son a noble’s education, and cherish the time he spent with her alone.

She couldn’t have selected a better man to act as protector.

Or found a better lover. Or chosen a better man to love.

The realization severely tested her already fractured composure. But there it was. Undeniable. She loved Richard.

And he must never know…

England, 1109

Richard stepped back and sucked in his gut to avoid the whizzing tip of his brother’s broadsword. The gasp of the crowd encircling the castle’s practice yard confirmed how close the sword had come to nicking his navel.

He grinned. As always, Richard had let Gerard, his elder half brother and Baron of Wilmont, set the pace of the session. Allowed Gerard to probe for weakness in his defenses. That mighty stroke, clean and swift—and close—proclaimed Gerard hadn’t found one.

Richard returned the compliment with a stroke that would have disarmed a lesser man. Gerard absorbed the blow like a huge boulder, half buried in earth, not budging a mite.

“Ready to halt?” Gerard asked almost casually.

“Not until you sweat,” Richard answered, having noted the lack of a sheen on Gerard’s bare chest. ’Twas now a matter of pride to make the wavy blond hair at Gerard’s temples curl from dampness, as his own did.

In truth, neither brother would win this contest. He and Gerard were too evenly matched, from their skill at swordplay to the strength in their broad shoulders. From the green of their eyes to the flaxen color of their hair. Each even bore a long, jagged scar across his chest—Gerard’s earned many years ago while defending Everart, their now-dead father, Richard’s earned more recently, when he’d been mistaken for Gerard.

When mounted on war horses and sheathed in chain mail and helmet, ‘twas nearly impossible to distinguish the Baron of Wilmont from the bastard of Wilmont. Usually, the resemblance provided amusement for the brothers—until the fateful day in Normandy when their likeness had spared Gerard the injury that had nearly cost Richard his life.

The man who ordered Gerard’s murder, Basil of Northbryre, had paid for the mistake with his lands and his life. Gerard had then rewarded Richard by granting lordship over part of the lands won as a result of Basil’s downfall.

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