Make Room For Mommy

Make Room For Mommy
О книге

MAGGIE WELLS WAS A "GREAT GAL."So how come she couldn't get a date? She was getting really tired of spending her weekends in front of the television. So she decided to volunteer at the community center. That's when she met little Brandy.BRANDY CONNER WAS A GREAT KID.She loved her new grown-up friend, Maggie. And Brandy thought Maggie would make an even neater friend for her dad, Ryan.RYAN CONNER WAS A GREAT…HUNK.Life as a single dad was no bed of roses, but he wasn't interested in finding a new wife–no way, no how. Not even one as beguiling as Maggie Wells….Could they convince him to make room for Maggie?

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“Just a kiss? You’re this upset about a kiss?”

Maggie’s best friend, Emma, questioned.

“It’s not just that,” Maggie countered. “I don’t know. He was opening up to me and then, boom, down came the shutters.”

“You’re in love with him,” she stated.

Maggie laughed sharply. “Right,” she said sarcastically.

“And he’s falling in love with you, too,” Emma continued.

“Now I know you’re completely over the edge,” she replied.

“I want you to be happy, that’s all. I’m just mad I can’t claim any responsibility for this. I wanted to be the one to introduce you to your future husband.”

“Future husband?” Maggie cried. “If I ever did decide to get married, it sure wouldn’t be to Ryan Conner!”

Emma just smiled with a self-satisfied air.

Dear Reader,

In Arlene James’s Desperately Seeking Daddy, a harried, single working mom of three feels like Cinderella at the ball when Jack Tyler comes into her life. He wins over her kids, charms her mother and sets straight her grumpy boss. He’s the FABULOUS FATHER of her kids’ dreams—and the husband of hers!

Although the BUNDLE OF JOY in Amelia Varden’s arms is not her natural child, she’s loved the baby boy from birth. And now one man has come to claim her son—and her heart—in reader favorite Elizabeth August’s The Rancher and the Baby.

Won’t You Be My Husband? begins Linda Valuer’s trilogy HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS, in which a woman ends up engaged to be married after a ten-minute reunion with a bad-boy hunk!

What’s a smitten bookkeeper to do when her gorgeous boss asks her to be his bride—even for convenience? Run down the aisle!…in DeAnna Talcott’s The Bachelor and the Bassinet.

In Pat Montana’s Storybook Bride, tight-lipped rancher Kody Sanville’s been called a half-breed his whole life and doesn’t believe in storybook anything. So why can’t he stop dreaming of being loved by Becca Covington?

Suzanne McMinn makes her debut with Make Room for Mommy, in which a single woman with motherhood and marriage on her mind falls for a single dad who isn’t at all interested in saying “I do”…or so he thinks!

From classic love stories, to romantic comedies to emotional heart tuggers, Silhouette Romance offers six wonderful new novels each month by six talented authors. I hope you enjoy all six books this month—and every month.


Melissa Senate,

Senior Editor

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Make Room for Mommy

Suzanne McMinn

For my big sister, Celeste—if it hadn’t been for all those times you locked me in the kitchen pantry as a child, I probably never would have developed my imagination!


lives by the lake in a small Texas town. She knew she wanted to be a writer by age five and set her sights on romance novels when she was twelve. She fulfills her dream of writing while enjoying her wonderful husband, young children and assorted dogs and cats. She loves to hear from readers and can be reached at P.O. Box 12, Granbury, TX 76048.

The Facts of Life According to Brandy Conner, Age Six

I know not everybody can have a mom. And I’m real lucky, ‘cause I’ve got the world’s best dad. But he’s so grumpy sometimes—’specially when Maggie Wells comes over. She’s my grown-up friend from the community center. She is so neat.

One of my friends says that boys act dumb sometimes when they like you. So I was thinking, what if Daddy likes Maggie? It would be so great if Maggie could live with us, like a real mom. Daddy says it’s “complicated”—which means I should stop asking questions. But now Maggie is acting grumpy. Do you think this is a good sign?

“What happened to his wife?”

The social worker, Mrs. Fletcher, shifted in her cushioned swivel chair as she stared across her cluttered desk at Maggie Wells. She looked unsure of the answer she should give. The busy shuffle of activity in the community center filtered in through the open door of her cramped office.

“Does she live around here?” Maggie continued, her curiosity piqued. She watched as Mrs. Fletcher ran thick fingers through her short metallic-gray hair and sighed heavily.

“Actually,” Mrs. Fletcher began in a tired tone, “we don’t know that much about Mr. Conner’s former wife. He’s a very private person.”

“Oh.” Maggie thought for a moment. “But you got so much information about my background before allowing me to enter the outreach program. I guess I just assumed you knew as much about the children and their families.”

The women’s outreach program, organized by the Charleston community center, matched adult volunteers with young girls to provide friendship and role modeling. It was especially geared toward girls who’d lost their mothers, through death or divorce.

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