Mastering Azure Synapse Analytics: guide to modern data integration

Mastering Azure Synapse Analytics: guide to modern data integration
О книге

Drawing from my extensive hands-on experience as a data engineer, this book presents a deep exploration of Azure Synapse Analytics through detailed explanations, practical examples, and expert insights. Readers will learn to navigate the complexities of modern data analytics, from data ingestion and transformation to dynamic data masking and compliance reporting.

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© Sultan Yerbulatov, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-1399-3

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Mastering Azure Synapse Analytics
Guide to Modern Data Integration
By Sultan Yerbulatov

Welcome to «Mastering Azure Synapse Analytics: Guide to Modern Data Integration.» In this book, we embark on a journey through the intricate world of Azure Synapse Analytics, Microsoft’s cutting-edge cloud analytics service designed to empower organizations with powerful data integration, management, and analysis capabilities. Whether you’re a seasoned data professional looking to expand your skills or a newcomer eager to harness the full potential of Azure Synapse Analytics, this book is your comprehensive companion. Through detailed explanations, practical examples, and expert insights, we delve into the core concepts, best practices, and advanced techniques necessary to navigate the complexities of modern data analytics. From data ingestion and transformation to dynamic data masking, compliance reporting, and beyond, each chapter is meticulously crafted to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in today’s data-driven world.

Throughout my career as a data engineer, I have had extensive hands-on experience with various data platforms, culminating in a deep expertise in Azure Synapse Analytics. This book draws on my practical knowledge and industry insights, providing readers with step-by-step instructions, best practices, and detailed examples of how to implement, optimize, and secure data solutions using Synapse Analytics. Key topics include data ingestion, integration with Power BI for reporting, ensuring compliance with data regulations, dynamic data masking, and advanced monitoring and troubleshooting techniques.

This book offers a thorough exploration of Azure Synapse Analytics, Microsoft’s powerful cloud analytics service that unifies big data and data warehousing. With a focus on real-world applications and technical depth, this book is designed to be an invaluable resource for data professionals, engineers, and business analysts who aim to leverage the full potential of Azure Synapse Analytics in their organizations.

I believe that «Mastering Azure Synapse Analytics» will meet the growing demand for comprehensive, authoritative resources on modern data analytics platforms. The book’s structured approach, combined with its practical focus, makes it suitable for both beginners and seasoned professionals seeking to deepen their understanding and enhance their skills.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the creation of this book. Special thanks to my Data Engineering Chapter Architects in Tengizchevroil, namely Salimzhan Isspayev and Talgat Kuzhabergenov, whose invaluable insights and feedback helped shape the content and ensure its relevance and accuracy. I am also grateful to my other colleagues and mentors for their support and encouragement throughout this journey. Additionally, I extend my appreciation to the team at Data & Insights team for their professionalism and dedication in bringing this book to fruition. Lastly, I owe a debt of gratitude to my family and specifically my loved wife for their unwavering support and understanding during the writing process. This book would not have been possible without their encouragement and belief in my vision.

Chapter 1. Introduction

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are generating vast amounts of data, creating an unprecedented demand for efficient data management, processing, and analytics tools. Azure Synapse Analytics, Microsoft’s’ all-in-one data solution, is here to revolutionize the world of data, providing a comprehensive platform for data storage, processing, visualization, machine learning, and more.

Understanding the Data Engineering Landscape

In an era where data is often hailed as the new oil, the role of data engineering in transforming raw information into valuable insights has become increasingly vital. Let’s embark on a journey through the intricate terrain of the data engineering landscape, exploring its key components, challenges, and the profound impact it has on diverse industries.

Data engineering serves as the backbone of modern analytics, acting as the bridge between data collection and meaningful interpretation. It encompasses a spectrum of activities, from designing robust data architectures to implementing efficient processing pipelines. To appreciate its significance, one must first grasp the evolution of data engineering over time.

From Silos to Integration

Traditionally, data was stored in isolated silos, making collaboration and analysis challenging. The advent of data engineering brought about a paradigm shift, encouraging the integration of diverse data sources into unified systems. Today, data lakes and warehouses stand as testaments to the power of consolidating information for comprehensive insights.

A fundamental aspect of understanding data engineering lies in recognizing its ecosystem. This ecosystem comprises key components, each playing a unique role in the data processing journey.

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