Mastering VMware vSphere 6

Mastering VMware vSphere 6
О книге

The world’s most forward-looking CEOs recognize the real challenge facing business today: a fundamental shift in the nature of commerce. While sustainability programs, government action, and nonprofits are all parts of the solution, CEOs and other leaders must focus on social, environmental, and economic benefit—not only because it will make the world a better place, but because it will ensure lasting profitability and success in the business climate of tomorrow. The Breakthrough Challenge is both an inspiring call-to-action and a guide for this transformation, based on the work of The B Team, a major initiative uniting leaders in sustainability. As a founding advisor and member of The B Team, John Elkington and Jochen Zeitz map out an agenda for change. The most important goal for businesses must be redefining the bottom line to account for true long-term costs throughout the supply chain. To achieve this, leaders must rethink everything: what counts on balance sheets, how to incentivize performance, who does what in the C-suite, and even what inspires us. The Breakthrough Challenge draws on over 100 exclusive interviews to show this shift in action, sharing the pioneering work of leaders such as Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever; Arianna Huffington, founder and CEO of The Huffington Post; Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, chairman of the Nestlé Group; and Linda Fisher, pioneering Chief Sustainability Officer at DuPont, among many others. Change-as-usual strategies are not enough to move business from breakdowns to breakthroughs. The Breakthrough Challenge shows leaders how to achieve a true transformation and refocus the definition of profitability on the lasting wellbeing of people and planet—for the lasting success of their business.

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I dedicate this book to my wife Natalie. You are the most precious and loving wife I could ever ask for.

This year has been made easier thanks to your kind and patient heart. I also dedicate this book to my son Ethan, and my soon-to-arrive daughter. Thank you for giving up some daddy time; now let's go and play.

– Nick Marshall


As I write this, I realize it has been over two years since I started writing in earnest for the 5.5 revision of the Mastering vSphere series. In late 2012, Scott Lowe graciously handed me the mantle of keeping this tome up to date. In some ways it feels like it was yesterday, but in others it feels like an eternity. I was a few months into my new role as a consultant at VMware in Sydney, my son was only nine months old, and I had landed this huge writing opportunity. Since that time, I’ve updated this book twice, VMware relocated my family and me to Palo Alto, and I now have a lively three-year-old and a baby girl on the way!

Throughout all of this craziness, my wife has been my rock. Always there when I need assistance (and coffee) after a long night of writing, always sympathetic when my lab or Word crashed for the umpteenth time and always, always

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