Mojave Rescue

Mojave Rescue
О книге

COMPROMISED SECURITYElectronics engineer Drina Gallagher has created a powerful weapon that will protect soldiers’ lives—and it’s put her own at risk. Kidnapped and locked in a desert shack, she’s desperate to stop her plans from getting into enemy hands, but who can she trust? Especially when even the security expert who rescues her isn't who he seems. Forced to blow his cover after spending two years infiltrating a black market ring, CIA agent Cal Norwood blames Drina’s recklessness, though he admires her courage. And while his mountain cabin offers temporary refuge, protecting Drina means outwitting—and defeating—a relentless foe determined to seize the weapon plans at any cost.


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Electronics engineer Drina Gallagher has created a powerful weapon that will protect soldiers’ lives—and it’s put her own at risk. Kidnapped and locked in a desert shack, she’s desperate to stop her plans from getting into enemy hands, but whom can she trust? Especially when even the security expert who rescues her isn’t who he seems. Forced to blow his cover after spending two years infiltrating a black-market ring, CIA agent Cal Norwood blames Drina’s recklessness, though he admires her courage. And while his mountain cabin offers temporary refuge, protecting Drina means outwitting—and defeating—a relentless foe determined to seize the weapon plans at any cost.

“Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

The quad spun around next to her, kicking dust in the air. Norwood extended his hand.

The half smile floating over those oh-so-perfect lips gave her the reassuring charge of energy she needed. She gripped his hand. He pulled her up and she climbed onto the back.

“Hang on tight. It’s going to get bumpy.”

Norwood gave the quad gas. Dirt and gravel spun out behind the big wheels as he headed toward the road. Drina had to loosen her hold slightly, but not too much, as they hit bumps. Even though she and Norwood were almost strangers and he might be a traitor to their country, his strong, sturdy body seemed the only solid, stable thing in an exploding world. She clung to him with all her might.

The ATV reached the dirt road leading back to town. They dipped down into the culvert and started to climb the other side. Drina glanced back at the shed and the pile of equipment behind it. Still no sign of Carter. They were safe, really safe.

But for how long?

TANYA STOWE is a Christian fiction author with an unexpected edge. She is married to the love of her life, her high school sweetheart. They have four children and twenty-one grandchildren, a true adventure. She fills her books with the unusual—mysteries and exotic travel, even a murder or two. No matter where Tanya takes you—on a trip to foreign lands or a suspenseful journey packed with danger—be prepared for the extraordinary.

Mojave Rescue

Tanya Stowe

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

—Proverbs 3:5–6

For Delia Latham because this and many other books would not be possible without you. Thank you, my friend.


“Bill, I did it!” Drina Gallagher almost dropped her cell phone in her excitement.

“Did what?” Bill Carlisle’s sleepy voice rolled across her senses, setting off a faint thread of regret for waking her boss in the middle of the night. Excitement quickly overrode the flash of remorse.

“I did it, Bill. I fixed the problem.”

“Drina? Do you have any idea what time it is?”

She didn’t. Secluded in a small office at the desert test facility, her focus had been completely fixed on the data that had turned up in today’s field test. Not only had she lost track of time, but Drina was at Edwards Air Force Base on the West Coast for the test. Bill was at the company headquarters on the East Coast...where it was three in the morning.

“I’m sorry. I forgot the time again. But I knew you’d want to hear this now.”

“Wait...did you say problem? Is there a problem with the program?”

“No...well, yes, there was. I set up today’s work based on the parameters you and I discussed yesterday and everything went haywire. The numbers didn’t make sense.”

Drina’s company had been awarded a military contract to develop a nonlethal energy-directed weapon that would protect soldiers against supersonic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. Their energy-directed weapon needed to impact machines only, destroying the electronics of missiles and UAVs, rendering them useless against ground troops. But the weapon needed to be rechargeable to full power in a short time and, above all, small enough for transport on a ground vehicle. So far, Drina and her company had failed to meet those parameters.

Until today. Today faulty tests led Drina to an epiphany. The answer came to her in an amazing eye-opening moment, followed by hours of furious number crunching that proved her theory possible.

“The numbers from the test were off so I created an equation using new figures worked. I solved the problem.” Drina repeated the news for the third time, just to hear the words out loud again.

Succeeding meant everything to her. Creating a nonlethal energy-directed weapon would secure her company’s position and create jobs. It would solidify Drina’s place in her parents’ exclusive scientific community, but most important, it would fulfill her deepest desire to protect American soldiers. Riddled by guilt, Drina was determined to create a weapon that would help protect America’s military personnel.

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