Montana Christmas

Montana Christmas
О книге

MAN OF THE MONTHMR. DECEMBERMistletoe Hunk: Montana man Shep Wilde, who's finally come home. Christmas wish: Sexy Andrea Dillon - all wrapped up and ready under the tree! Can wishes really come true?: He won't take no for an answer! It was one red-hot holiday! Shep and Andrea were strangers, yet a holiday celebration with champagne turned into a night of wild abandon.Shep was crazy about Andrea, but after their lovemaking, she wanted nothing to do with him! Well, it was up to Shep to convince the reluctant lady that he was her man - not just for December, but every month of the year!MAN OF THE MONTH: He's born and raised in Big Sky Country… and heading for a Montana wedding!

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“You Know What’s Happening Here, Don’t You?”

Shep asked.

“Yes,” Andrea whispered. He was going to kiss her, and she rose on tiptoes to bring their lips closer together.

That was all Shep could take. His mouth covered hers in a kiss of utter possession. His hands roamed her back and hips.

“Shep…oh, Shep,” she managed to whisper raggedly between the second and third kiss.

Then she lost count. She was barely aware of being backed up against a wall, and only dimly cognizant of him sliding her skirt up and then lifting one of her legs to wind it around his hips.

“Tell me you want this,” he demanded gruffly, hoarsely.

Her lips were parted to take in gasping breaths. “How can you doubt it?”

“Tell me. Say it.”

“I want it. I want you.”

Dear Reader,

Happy holidays from the staff at Silhouette Desire! As you can see by the special cover treatment this month, these books are our holiday gifts to you. And each and every story is so wonderful that I know you’ll want to buy extras to give to your friends!

We begin with Jackie Merritt’s MAN OF THE MONTH, Montana Christmas, which is the conclusion of her spectacular MADE IN MONTANA series. The fun continues with Instant Dad, the final installment in Raye Morgan’s popular series THE BABY SHOWER. Suzannah Davis’s Gabriel’s Bride is a classic—and sensuous—love story you’re sure to love. And Anne Bames’s delightful writing style is highlighted to perfection in Christmas Elopement. For a story that will make you feel all the warmth and goodwill of the holiday season, don’t miss Kate Little’s Jingle Bell Baby.

And Susan Connell begins a new miniseries…THE GIRLS MOST LIKELY TO…—about three former high school friends who are now all grown up in Rebel’s Spirit. Look for upcoming books in the series in 1997.

Happy holidays and happy reading from


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Montana Christmas

Jackie Merritt


and her husband live just outside Las Vegas, Nevada. An accountant for many years, Jackie has happily traded numbers for words. Next to family, books are her greatest joy. She started writing in 1987 and her efforts paid off in 1988 with the publication of her first novel. When she’s not writing or enjoying a good book, Jackie dabbles in watercolor painting and likes playing the piano in her spare time.

The town of Rocky Ford, Montana, was picture-postcard pretty on this wintry December morning. An eight-inch blanket of snow sparkled in the bright morning sun, shining from a sky so blue it made Andrea Dillon’s eyes water to look at it. Wearing dark glasses against the glare, and dressed in warm clothing, she began shoveling out her driveway.

The air was cold and invigorating, bringing color to her cheeks. Her exhaled breath came out of her mouth in puffy little clouds. She had to smile, if a bit wryly; the long driveway had been one of the features of her rental house that had pleased her so much. This was the first major snowfall since she had moved in last summer, and she was certainly going to rack up her quota, and more, of exercise today by clearing the driveway enough to get her car to the street.

But being outside on such an incredible day felt wonderful. Other than at ski resorts in California, she had never seen snow like this. Her front lawn looked as smooth as a sheet of paper. The top of each bush and shrub was shaped into a rounded snow-bump. Every branch and twig on the leafless trees seemed artistically layered with a coat of glistening snow. The roof of her house looked as though someone had iced it with white frosting.

Lucas Wilde’s roof, too, looked decorated with icing, Andrea thought with a fond glance at the one home she could see from her driveway in the sparsely populated neighborhood. Lucas was several years past sixty, Andrea estimated, and her best friend in this small town. Her only friend, she amended quickly.

Sighing softly, she began shoveling again.

“Andrea! Good morning!”

Recognizing Lucas’s voice, she turned to smile at him as he walked toward her from the street. He was carrying a shovel. “Hi, Lucas. Isn’t this a glorious morning?”

Lucas’s rolling laugh rang out. “It is if you enjoy shoveling snow. I’ve already done my driveway and sidewalks, and now I’m going to help with yours.”

“Lucas, that’s not at all necessary.”

“Course it’s not.” Lucas grinned. “Big, strapping girl like you could shovel for three days and not get winded.”

Andrea had to laugh. She was definitely not “big and strapping.” In fact, she was on the small side, barely five foot four inches tall and weighing in around one-ten.

“I might not be big,” she retorted pertly, teasing him as he was teasing her, “but I’m strong.”

Lucas laughed again. Compared to his six-foot-two height and two-hundred-forty-pound weight, she was a little bit of a person, and her proclamation of physical strength was obviously funny to him.

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