Montana Standoff

Montana Standoff
О книге

Kidnapped and dragged into the Montana wilderness, Sarah Langston has no idea where her brother is or what her captors want with him. But when help arrives and removes her blindfold, she’s shocked to see the father of the baby she gave up for adoption.Police officer Bryan Keyes is convinced that Sarah’s kidnapping is tied to a deadly human trafficking ring. Now with Sarah’s brother in the line of fire, Bryan must join forces with the only woman he’s ever loved. Will they have time to rekindle a love that happened too soon?


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Kidnapped and dragged into the Montana wilderness, Sarah Langston has no idea where her brother is or what her captors want with him. But when help arrives and removes her blindfold, she’s shocked to see the father of the baby she gave up for adoption. Former police officer Bryan Keyes is convinced that Sarah’s kidnapping is tied to a deadly human trafficking ring. Now with Sarah’s brother in the line of fire, Bryan must join forces with the only woman he’s ever loved. Will they have time to rekindle a love that happened too soon?

Down below, she caught a flash of movement. Her attackers were catching up.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Some place safe where we can call for help. Trust me, I know this part of the forest.”

What choice did she have? She’d prayed for God to send help and He had. Of all the people in the world, He’d sent Bryan.

“Come on.” He held his hand out to her. The August sun beat down on them, the air thick with heat. Down below, the two thugs were weaving their way up the mountain.

“Where are we going anyway?”

“We need to get help, call the sheriff,” he said.

She stared up at the rocky terrain. “Isn’t there an easier way?”

“Sarah, would you trust me? I know where I’m going. Those guys won’t be able to follow us. They’ll give up.”

It was the first time he’d said her name. The warmth in his voice only reminded her of ten-year-old wounds. “I really don’t have a choice here. I’ll do what you say.” She wasn’t so sure about the men giving up, though.


has always loved writing, but didn’t decide to write for publication until she was expecting her first baby. Pregnancy makes you do crazy things. Three kids, many articles and two mystery series later, she still hasn’t found her sanity. Her books have won awards, including a Book of the Year award from American Christian Fiction Writers. She was also a finalist for an RT Book Reviews Inspirational Book of the Year award.

Sharon has performed in theater and church productions, has degrees in film production and history, and worked for many years as a college tutor and instructor. Despite the fact that her résumé looks as if she couldn’t decide what she wanted to be when she grew up, all the education and experience have played a part in helping her write good stories.

When she isn’t writing or taking her kids to activities, she reads, plays board games and contemplates organizing her closet. In addition to her three kids, Sharon lives with her husband of twenty-two years, three cats and lots of dust bunnies. You can reach Sharon through her website,

Montana Standoff

Sharon Dunn

For you know that it was not with the perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.

—1 Peter 1:18–19

I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.

—Deuteronomy 30:19–20

For my husband, Michael, whose encouragement and unconditional love has allowed me to grow both as a writer and as a daughter of the king. We are the evidence that where you came from does not determine where you’re going.


Sarah Langston winced as the barrel of the gun jabbed her stomach. The knit cap, turned backward on her head, made it impossible to see. She could feel the motion of the SUV, but she had no idea where her captors were taking her. Fear permeated every cell of her body.

The man with the gun leaned close and whispered in her ear. “Tell you what. We’ll give you one more chance. You let us know where your brother is and we’ll let you go.”

He’d asked that question fifty times before. Always, her answer was the same. Why wouldn’t they believe her?

Her voice trembled. “I told you. I don’t know where Crew is. He’s homeless. He contacts me when he wants to talk.”

Her pulse drummed in her ears as her muscles tensed.

The second man, the driver, hadn’t spoken for a long time. The tires made a different sound when they’d switched from paved roads to gravel. They’d left the city. Where were they going? What did they intend to do with her?

Both of them had been wearing masks when they’d grabbed her outside her home. They must have been waiting for the opportunity to catch her alone. More than once in the last day, she’d felt the invisible press of a gaze on her only to turn and see no one. Yesterday, she noticed the same Chevy Suburban parked outside the grocery store and at a friend’s house. She’d dismissed it as coincidence.

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