Wilderness Target

Wilderness Target
О книге

A WANTED WOMANClarissa Jones is running for her life. Though she has no idea why her ex-boss wants her dead, the killers at her heels are very real. Deep in the Montana woods she finds what seems like the perfect hideout, in Ezra Jefferson's survival training school. The ex-military outdoorsman has the skills and training to keep her safe… but only if she'll lower her defenses enough to let him help. When her attackers close in, Ezra's protection and Clarissa's fierce determination are all that will keep her alive-while the growing bond between them gives her a reason to fight to survive.


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Clarissa Jones is running for her life. Though she has no idea why her ex-boss wants her dead, the killers at her heels are very real. Deep in the Montana woods she finds what seems like the perfect hideout, in Ezra Jefferson’s survival training school. The ex-military outdoorsman has the skills and training to keep her safe…but only if she’ll lower her defenses enough to let him help. When her attackers close in, Ezra’s protection and Clarissa’s fierce determination are all that will keep her alive—while the growing bond between them gives her a reason to fight to survive.

“Where can we find safety?”

“The trees,” Ezra said as they ran toward the thicker part of the forest, the chopper too close for comfort.

As she sprinted ahead of him, Clarissa stumbled. Ezra caught her and backed up to a tree, clutching her close.

The noise of the helicopter faded. He was aware of her palms pressed against his chest, and his heart skipped a beat.

“Do you think we lost them?”

“Wait a while longer,” he said. Her proximity made his skin tingle but he stepped back. He knew enough to know that people had let her down when she’d needed them. He wouldn’t destroy the fragile trust he saw in her eyes.

“Ezra, why are you helping me?”

His commitment went beyond responsibility to a client. He felt something much deeper for her. He couldn’t bring himself to say it, though. “Because you deserve better than having some murderer chase you through the woods.”

And unless they got moving, that’s exactly what she’d get.


has always loved writing, but didn’t decide to write for publication until she was expecting her first baby. Pregnancy makes you do crazy things. Three kids, many articles and two mystery series later, she still hasn’t found her sanity. Her books have won awards, including a Book of the Year award from American Christian Fiction Writers. She was also a finalist for an RT Book Reviews Inspirational Book of the Year Award.

Sharon has performed in theater and church productions, has degrees in film production and history, and worked for many years as a college tutor and instructor. Despite the fact that her résumé looks as if she couldn’t decide what she wanted to be when she grew up, all the education and experience have played a part in helping her write good stories.

When she isn’t writing or taking her kids to activities, she reads, plays board games and contemplates organizing her closet. In addition to her three kids, Sharon lives with her husband of twenty-two years, three cats and lots of dust bunnies. You can reach Sharon through her website, www.sharondunnbooks.net.

Wilderness Target

Sharon Dunn


According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.

—Ephesians 1:4–5

To Jonah, the bravest person I know.


Clarissa Jones quickened her pace through the tiny airport that serviced Discovery, Montana. Fear shot through her when she looked back at the barrel-chested man making a beeline for her. Why had one of her former boss’s employees followed her here?

Max Fitzgerald owned one of the largest real estate and property management firms in Southern California, and the man coming after her hauled furniture for him when he staged houses. As Max’s assistant—up until two weeks ago—Clarissa had known all the people Max employed. This man, whose first name was Don, had displayed a temper on more than one occasion.

Don caught up with her, grabbing her arm just above the elbow. “I think you better come with me.”

She recoiled from the pressure as the man’s meaty fingers dug into her flesh. Max had been angry when she’d refused his advances, and even angrier when she’d told his wife. But having his hired muscle chase her all the way to Montana seemed a bit extreme even for a hothead like Max Fitzgerald.

“Let go of me.” Pain shot through her nerve endings as she tried to pull away.

Several people craned their heads in her direction. Don glanced from side to side, suddenly aware of the spectators around them, and lightened his grip on her arm.

“He wants you on a flight back to California tonight.” The man spoke in a hushed tone, but the threat of violence in his eyes terrified Clarissa.

The hired muscle had been one of the last ones on the plane. She’d managed to avoid him for the whole of the flight, but now there was little chance of escape.

Clarissa squared her shoulders and looked Don in the eye. “I don’t want anything to do with that man anymore.”

Why was Max doing this? Was this about revenge or control? She had expected to be fired when she’d refused his advances. She’d spent ten years working her way up from the cleaning crew. She’d been his assistant for less than a month. Up until then, the veneer of her employer’s charisma and her minimal contact with him had masked who he really was.

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