
О книге

The negotiating secrets that experts and top professionals use.Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Negotiating.Includes how to:• Set clear goals and limits• Understand your potential adversary or partner• Use and interpret body language• Deal with difficult people• Close brilliant deals


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The experts tell all!

David Brown

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page

2.5 Know your team roles

2.6 Plan your tactics

Discuss your respective positions

3.1 Let both parties set the scene

3.2 Understand the other party’s viewpoint

3.3 Clearly state your opening position

3.4 Ask plenty of questions

3.5 Listen more than you talk

3.6 Re-assess your tactics

3.7 Use numbers that suit your case

3.8 Consider cost, price and value

3.9 Summarize before any proposal

Deal only in packages

4.1 Packages must be easy to understand

4.2 Let them offer the first package

4.3 Make your first package challenging but credible

4.4 Be confident with your opening package

4.5 Don’t get ‘salami-ed’

4.6 Know when to adjourn

4.7 Give the other party a choice

4.8 Show that you are flexible

4.9 Tailor your language

Bargain your way to success

5.1 Movement allows agreement

5.2 “If” is the biggest word in negotiating

5.3 If you concede, attach a condition

5.4 Make your first concession small

5.5 Make concessions work for you

5.6 Focus on solutions not problems

5.7 Always secure a counter-proposal

5.8 Use fair procedures

5.9 Constantly compare your objectives

5.10 Counter the ‘nibble’

Find common ground

6.1 Invent options for mutual gain

6.2 Link all your issues in the final package

6.3 Try not to say “take it or leave it”

6.4 Hold your nerve and know when to close

6.5 Be aware of body language

6.6 Fully agree what’s been agreed

Put it all together

7.1 Deal with a world that is getting smaller

7.2 Remember the key points

7.3 Check your negotiating qualities

7.4 Develop yourself as a negotiator

Jargon buster

Further reading

About The Author


About the Publisher

Many people think that negotiating is just about money and business. It isn’t. We do it instinctively, as children, in our families, and in our communities as well as in business, management, industrial relations and all levels of government. Sometimes we negotiate without realizing it.

I first woke up to negotiating as a young sales manager 35 years ago. Since then I have modified the framework, and learnt as I have gone along. I have collected best practice from all over the world, run training courses on the subject, negotiated with trade unions, and worked with my clients as they have reached agreements with both their employees and customers. I have seen people make all the classic mistakes because they don’t know how to negotiate effectively. I’ve also seen the other side – the huge benefits that come from good negotiating.

This book captures all that experience in the form of 50 secrets presented over seven chapters. If you use these secrets they will help you seize opportunities, make more money, develop relationships and maximize what you will achieve with the rest of your life. The chapters are:

■ Know when to negotiate. There are alternatives to negotiation. Before you start, you need to be sure what is meant by negotiation, and what the alternatives are.

■ Prepare clear objectives. If you know what you want to finish up with, then you are halfway there.

■ Discuss your respective positions. Reaching agreement is much more likely if each party understands where the other is coming from. This is about setting the scene – listening more than you talk, before you propose anything.

■ Deal only in packages. You can’t bargain if you only talk about one thing. You just argue. This chapter shows you how to reach agreement by trading packages.

■ Bargain your way to success. Once you have exchanged packages, then you bargain (compromise) your way to agreement. There may be several stages to this.

■ Find common ground. You don’t want to move apart. You do want to reach agreement and come together. Here’s how.

■ Put it all together. This is a summary of the key secrets and the ideas behind them. They are all important, but this chapter will help you decide on the most important factors in the specific situations that you will find yourself.

Whether you are engaged in buying, selling, industrial relations, domestic disputes or family matters, you are negotiating more often than you realize. Sometimes you will negotiate with someone just once and never see them again. More often we negotiate with people who we have an ongoing relationship with, and we want them to come back to the negotiating table with good feelings towards us.

Follow these secrets so that you can negotiate sucessfully in any situation.

Negotiating is about ‘give and take’. It is a means by which we compromise and agree a way forward. This chapter looks at how you can decide whether to negotiate or use some other process. It also emphasizes the importance of achieving outcomes satisfactory to both parties. In most negotiations we want the other party to feel comfortable with what has been agreed so we can move forward and develop an ongoing relationship that is valuable to both of us.

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