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A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Barnaby Newbolt.

Thousands of years ago, people looked out across an ocean and asked themselves, 'What is on the other side?' And the bravest of them began to travel and find the answers – beautiful islands, frozen lands, different peoples …And there are still interesting questions about the oceans. How do they change our weather? Why does the water go up and down twice a day? Why do most animals and plants live near the land? And what can possibly live at the bottom of the ocean, thousands of metres down, where there is no light? Surely nothing can stay alive in a place like that…

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There is more ocean on our planet than there is land, but we still know little about it. The first ship sailed all the way around the world less than five hundred years ago. And the first journey to the deepest sea floor was little more than fifty years ago.

Great waves move across the surface of the ocean, and currents of cold and warm water move past our continents. The biggest animals on our planet swim around the Southern Ocean, and in the hottest parts of the ocean we can find animals that live without light. It is a strange world – and we are just beginning to know it …

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ISBN: 978 0 19 479443 5
A complete recording of this Bookworms edition of Oceans is available on CD. Pack ISBN: 978 0 19 479442 8
Printed in China
Word count (main text): 6,778
For more information on the Oxford Bookworms Library, visit www.oup.com/elt/bookwormswww.oup.com/elt/bookworms
With thanks to: Ann Fullick for expert science advice Maps and diagrams by: Peter Bull pp.3, 12, 13, 17, 23
The publishers would like to thank the following for their permission to reproduce photographs: AKG-Images pp.9 (Vasca da Gama/akg), 9 (map/akg), 11 (Painting of cod fishing/akg), 27 (Mutiny on the bounty/akg); Alamy Images pp.5 (Polynesian voyaging canoe/Photo Resource Hawaii), 7 (North Wind Picture Archives/Sinbad and his companions), 26 (Oceanographer/Bruce Miller); Ardea p.16 (Hagfish/Pat Morris); Corbis pp.1 (View of Pacific Ocean/Bloomimage), 2 (Yacht sailing/Reed Kaestner), 8 (Oseberg Longship/Jose Fuste Raga), 10 (The largest containership in the world/Vincent Jannink), 19 (King Canute Holding Back the Sea/David Barnet/Illustration Works), 25 (Plockton Harbour/Ellen Rooney), 32 (Blue whale/Denis Scott), 39 (Small Submarine/ Ralph White); DK Images p.39 (Alvin submersible/Dorling Kindersley); Ecoscene p.15 (Sea spider/Andrey Nekrasov); FLPA pp.15 (Purple Sun Starfish/ImageBroker), 28 (Sail fish/Reinhard Dirscherl/FLPA), 33 (killer whale/Hiroya Minakuchi/Minden Pictures/FLPA), 36 (Angler fish/ Norbert Wu), 37 (Gulper-eel/Norbert Wu/Minden Pictures/FLPA); Getty Images pp.18 (tsunami breeching an embankment/Afp/getty), 20 (Low tide in St. Ives Harbour/James Osmond), cover (Jellyfish/Frederic Pacorel/StockImage); Nature Picture Library pp.29 (Great white shark/Doug Perrine), 30 (school of fish/); NHPA p.16 (Greenland Shark/Photoshot/NHPA/Saul Gonor); Oxford University Press pp.1 (starry sky/Photodisc), 44 (map/Graphi-Ogre), 44 (ice/Photodisc), 44 (Plastic Forks/Photodisc), 44 (wave/Photodisc), 44 (Compass/Photodisc), 44 (Gas hob/Magelanic Cloudss); Science Photo Library pp.13 (topographic map/Planetary Visions Ltd/Science Photo Library), 22 (Low Tide, Campobello Island/Andrew J. Martinez/Science Photo Library), 22 (Hightide Campobello Island/Andrew J. Martinez/Science Photo Library), 32 (Albatross/Tony Camacho/ Science Photo Library), 34 (Iceberg/J.G. Paren/Science Photo Library), 40 (Deep Ocean Fish/
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e-Book ISBN 978 0 19 463079 5e-Book first published 2014

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