Oranges in the Snow

Oranges in the Snow
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A Starter level Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Phillip Burrows and Mark Foster.

'Everything's ready now. We can do the experiment,' says your assistant Joe.

You are the famous scientist Mary Durie working in a laboratory in Alaska. When you discover something very new and valuable, other people want to try to steal your idea – can you stop them before they escape?

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You are a famous scientist, and you are working in a laboratory with your assistant Joe. You are doing an experiment on a small flower. It is a very special flower because it can help people to see in the dark.

But then somebody takes the special flower, and you can’t find Joe. Is he the thief, or is it another person? What do you do next? Do you go to Joe’s room, or do you look in the laboratory, or do you telephone your boss? Be careful – there is only one way to find the special flower again. But move quickly – there is not much time.

This is an interactive story. You can choose what part of the story to read next. Follow the numbers at the end of each section.

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First published in Oxford Bookworms 2001
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ISBN: 978 0 19 423429 0
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Word count (main text): 1710
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e-Book ISBN 978 0 19 463048 1
e-Book first published 2015

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