Poems of Mugurdich Beshiktashlian

Poems of Mugurdich Beshiktashlian
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In addition to original works, MUGURDITCH BESHIKTASHLIAN translated into Armenian many poems from other languages. It is not certain whether “A Brave Son of Armenia” is an adaptation from one of Victor Hugo’s “Oriental Poems,” or whether Hugo, who was an admirer of Armenian poetry, adapted it from the Armenian. On his gravestone are carved the lines that form the refrain of one of his most popular songs:

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WHOM dost thou seek, sweet mother?
Come, tremble not, draw near!
Gaze on thy son’s blood-streaming wounds
Without a sigh or tear.
Let Turkish mothers rend their hair;
Do thou glad news to Zeitoun bear !
As, by my cradle, thou didst soothe
With tender hand and smile
My childish form to sleep, and sing
With angel voice the while,
Lay me to rest, without a care,
And joyful news to Zeitoun bear !
Red floods are welling from my wounds,
But, mother, look around;
See how the fierce blood-thirsty Turks
By thousands strew the ground !
Our swords devoured them, scattered there :
Then joyful news to Zeitoun bear!
They smote us like a dragon,
With sudden roaring deep;
But Zeitoun shook her rocky head,
And rolled them down the steep.
Red was the stain our rocks did wear ;
Then joyful news to Zeitoun bear !
Our fathers’ ghosts applauded;
Our old fire is not dead !
Our slaughtered kin rejoiced to see
The blood of vengeance shed.
Mount Ararat the joy did share ;
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