Prayer Of Jehoshaphat: ”O Our God, Won'T You Stop Them?”

Prayer Of Jehoshaphat: ”O Our God, Won'T You Stop Them?”
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Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are represented in three categories – wars, diseases and famine. Wars represent both physical and spiritual oppositions, battles and conflicts we face daily. Diseases include all sicknesses, infections; curable and incurable diseases. Then, famine or drought involves all economic, financial lack and other challenges. And in this book, we effectively show that it is possible to always go through these challenges and come out victorious. Here, you will find established and tested principles that will permanently put you on the victorious side. They are indeed tested, divine, universal and eternal. They cannot fail! Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are represented in three categories – wars, diseases and famine. Wars represent both physical and spiritual oppositions, battles and conflicts we face daily. Diseases include all sicknesses, infections; curable and incurable diseases. Then, famine or drought involves all economic, financial lack and other challenges. And in this book, we effectively show that it is possible to always go through these challenges and come out victorious. Here, you will find established and tested principles that will permanently put you on the victorious side. They are indeed tested, divine, universal and eternal. They cannot fail! Here you will find ten well-loaded and powerful chapters: Prayer of Jehoshaphat, God of Heaven and Earth, It is Our Inheritance, War, Diseases and Famine, See How They Reward Us, Won’t You Stop Them? Don’t be Afraid or Discouraged; It is Not Your Battle, March out and Take Your Positions, and Power of Praise. We also have set of powerful prayer points that will bring immediate results at the end of each chapter.


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Prayer of Jehoshaphat

O our God, won’t you stop them?

By Gabriel Agbo


Copyright – Gabriel Agbo (2014)


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.

Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations in this book are taken from the New Living Translation (NLT) version of the Holy Bible.

Publisher: Gabriel Agbo

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: +234-8037113283

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Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are represented in three categories – wars, diseases and famine. Wars represent both physical and spiritual oppositions, battles and conflicts we face daily. Diseases include all sicknesses, infections; curable and incurable diseases. Then, famine or drought involves all economic, financial lack and other challenges. And in this book, we effectively show that it is possible to always go through these challenges and come out victorious.


Here, you will find established and tested principles that will permanently put you on the victorious side. They are indeed tested, divine, universal and eternal. They cannot fail!  Here you will find ten well-loaded and powerful chapters:  Prayer of Jehoshaphat, God of Heaven and Earth, It is Our Inheritance, War, Diseases and Famine, See How They Reward Us, Won’t You Stop Them? Don’t be Afraid or Discouraged; It is Not Your Battle, March out and Take Your Positions, and Power of Praise. We also have set of powerful prayer points that will bring immediate results at the end of each chapter. Happy reading!


Gabriel Agbo

I dedicate this book to Tinuola Afilaka for her love for God and His people. Your acts of total dedication, faithfulness, uncommon humility and benevolence will continue to speak for you and yours before God for many generations to come. Like Dorcas, it shall continue to attract the resurrection power over you. And like Jesus told that woman, your actions shall continue to be remembered as long as this message spreads. God bless you – Amen!

“Don’t be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s”

–  God

Chapter One

The Prayer of Jehoshaphat


Every battle in this life is winnable! You can come out of every life challenge victorious if you understand and follow the divine principles we are about to discuss here. Life is war and like in all wars, you will expect many battles. In this life there will be battles, troubles, challenges, trials, and temptations. They come in deferent shapes and times; some expected and others unexpected. Some of them will come from expected quarters and others from unimaginable sources. Some of these battles will be spiritual, some economical and others physical. As long as you’re alive they must come. Jesus was indeed right when He said that in this world you will have oppositions, troubles and tribulations. And Job also agreed with Him by saying that life is full of trouble. True!

Yes, all the above are correct, but God also gave us the principles to guide us into victory and fortunately, you find them in the encounter between Judah and the three nations that came against them. The Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites suddenly declared war against Jehoshaphat and his people, and before the king knew what was happening, this vast army had already started marching closely to Judah. The challenge was real, sudden, huge and imminent. In this desperation, Jehoshaphat summoned the people, declared a fast and went to the house of God to seek His face:

“After this, the armies of the Moabites, Ammonites, and some of the Meunites declared war on Jehoshaphat. Messengers came and told Jehoshaphat,  ‘A vast army from Edom is marching against you from beyond the Dead Sea. They are already at Hazazon-tamar’. (This was another name for En-gedi.) Jehoshaphat was alarmed by this news and sought the LORD for guidance. He also gave orders that everyone throughout Judah should observe a fast. So people from all the towns of Judah came to Jerusalem to seek the LORD.”

2 Chronicles 20:1-4

Your victory at the time of trial is determined by your relationship with God before the challenge and your attitude during the period. Jehoshaphat had always maintained a good relationship with God and now that he had a great challenge in his hands, naturally, his first reaction was also to seek the face of that his God for intervention. What is your relationship with God? Where do you go first at the time of trial? In other words, where are your heart and your trust? Jehoshaphat’s were in the God of Israel and that was why, without thinking about it, he ran to Him immediately for help. Personally, I have learnt to always run to God to seek His help any time I have challenges. And I always come out victorious.

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