Transitions at the Top

Transitions at the Top
О книге

Two award-winning professors, a former admissions officer at a major university (now a counselor at a prestigious high school), and a gifted high school senior (now in the throes of the college admissions process himself) team up to offer you over 600 tips, techniques, and strategies to help you get in to the college of your choice. Comprehensive, yet easy-to-read, this book will teach you: How to size up the colleges you're considering—and come up with a coherent list. What are college nights, college fairs, and college rep visits—and how you can use each to your advantage. What are "holistic", "contextualized", and "legacy" admissions—and how each can work for you. How some schools count "demonstrated interest"—and how you can take advantage of this little-known fact. What are Early Decision, Early Action, and Single-Choice Early Action—and whether any is right for you. How to figure out the true costs of college, and what is the difference between "need-" and "merit-based" aid. What it means when colleges say they meet "100% of demonstrated financial aid" and what "loan-free" means. When and how to make campus visits—and what to do on each. How to prepare for each section of the ACT or SAT—and how to increase your scores. What admissions officers are looking for in your application—and how to give it to them. How to write the all-important Common App essay—and present your extra-curricular activities. How to prepare for an alumni interview—and present yourself in the best light. Whom to ask for letters-of-recommendation—and how to help them write the best possible letter. How to compare your final offers—and, in some cases, substantially improve them. When it's good to wait out the "wait list"—and when not. -and much, much more. When you understand the college admissions process, you can maximize your chance of success. Why not put yourself ahead of the pack?

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Praise for Transitions at the Top

“Without a doubt, corporations have raised their game on the use of various techniques to improve the likelihood that externally hired talent will succeed in their most business-critical roles. What many companies haven't done, however, is to spend the same amount of time on building a set of transition practices to further increase the probability these executives will thrive and prosper in their new roles and in their new companies. The cost of a failed transition is monumental, and comes in the form of missed market opportunities, a loss of business momentum, reputational damage, and potential damage to the credibility of the CEO and/or the company's board of directors. Fortunately, Dan Ciampa and David Dotlich outline a practical, compelling playbook that if properly executed, will substantially increase the chance of success in senior leadership transitions. A timely and important book on a very important subject.”

L. Kevin Cox
Chief Human Resources Officer
American Express Company
Director – Kraft Foods Group
Director – Corporate Executive Board

“Senior transitions are seminal events but are often botched, at great cost to the company and its shareholders. Too often succession decisions are made by a board, with those crucial first months then left entirely to the new manager to navigate. This book takes a different vantage point and illuminates the critical role of the company, its board, and senior managers in making sure those vital successions work. Written in a straightforward, practical manner, a must read for all involved.”

Ken Leibler
CEO Liberty Financial Companies and former President American Stock Exchange
Director – Northeast Utilities
Trustee – Putnam Investments Funds

Transitions at the Top is a welcome, long-overdue addition to our thinking about leadership and transitions. Far too little attention has been paid to the dynamics and consequences of CEO succession, especially to the critical role the organization plays in driving success or failure. As Ciampa and Dotlich clearly demonstrate, the costs of botched succession processes are very high. And what it takes to make them work is not rocket science, nor is it overly costly or burdensome. It just takes discipline, clarity about roles, and unswerving commitment to the right principles and processes. Follow their advice and the result will be world-class succession planning and implementation. This is a book that every CEO, Board member and senior HR executive should read.”

Michael Watkins
Author “First 90 Days”
Co-Founder Genesis Advisors

Transitions at the Top

What Organizations Must Do to Make Sure New Leaders Succeed

Dan Ciampa and David L. Dotlich

title page

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Cover Design: Michael J. Freeland

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Copyright © 2015 by Dan Ciampa and David L. Dotlich. All rights reserved

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

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