Printer In Petticoats

Printer In Petticoats
О книге

This town’s not big enough for the both of us . . .Self-proclaimed spinster Jessamine Lassiter is striving to keep Smoke River’s newspaper afloat when Cole Sanders rides into town to start up a rival paper. Emotions run high as Cole’s constant, infuriating presence causes sparks to fly both in and out of the office!But does he truly desire Jess or is he just waiting to put her out of business? Whatever he wants, she is prepared to fight him all the way . . .


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“Do I make you nervous, Jessamine?”

“What? Of course not. What would I have to be nervous about?”

He took a step closer and she backed up. “Me, maybe?” he said. He sent her a grin that seemed positively wicked.

“N-no,” she blurted out. “Not you.”

“My newspaper?”

“Of course not. I’m not afraid of a little competition.”

It’s you I am afraid of. She cringed inwardly at the admission. She squared her shoulders and forced her eyes to meet his.

“Yeah? Then how come you”re edging toward the door, Miss Lassiter?”

“I’m not!”

But she was. She couldn’t get away from those laughing blue eyes fast enough.

Author Note

It’s a myth that women of the Old West were solely wives and mothers. Women were as intelligent, courageous and enterprising in the eighteen-hundreds as they are now. Many of them ran ranches, owned and operated dressmaking and millinery shops, hotels, boarding houses, restaurants and saloons, and even newspapers—as this story will demonstrate. They also worked as teachers, housekeepers, nannies and cooks, and engaged in dozens of other ventures to make their livings. In addition women were engaged in the arts, as painters, writers, lecturers and photographers, and it is to these intrepid females we owe much of our knowledge and appreciation of nineteenth-century life and culture.

Printer in


Lynna Banning

LYNNA BANNING combines her lifelong love of history and literature in a satisfying career as a writer. Born in Oregon, she graduated from Scripps College and embarked on a career as an editor and technical writer, and later as a high school English teacher. She enjoys hearing from her readers. You may write to her directly at PO Box 324, Felton, CA 95018, USA, email her at [email protected] or visit Lynna’s website at

For David Woolston

Chapter One

Smoke River, Oregon, 1870

Jessamine glanced up from her rolltop desk in front of the big window in her newspaper office and narrowed her eyes. What on earth...?

Across the street a team of horses hauling a rickety farm wagon rolled up in front of the empty two-story building that until a week ago housed the Smoke River Bank. A brown canvas cover swathed something big and bulky in the wagon bed.

She couldn’t tear her gaze away. A tall, jean-clad man in a dusty black Stetson hauled the team to a stop and jumped down. He had a controlled, easy gait that reminded her of a big cat, powerful and confident and...untamed. His hat brim shaded his face, and his overlong dark hair brushed the collar of his sweat-stained blue work shirt.

She sniffed with disdain. His grimy clothes suggested he needed a bath and a barber, in that order. He was just another rough, uncultured rancher come to town with a load of...what? Sacks of wheat? A keg or two of beer?

The man untied the rope lashing the dirty canvas over whatever lay beneath, and she stood up and craned her neck to see better.

Oh, my father’s red suspenders, what is that?

The barber, Whitey Poletti, and mercantile owner Carl Ness put down their brooms and ambled across the street to see what was going on. In two minutes, Mr. Rancher had talked them into helping him unload the bulky object. He loosened the ropes securing the thing, lowered the wagon tailgate and slid a couple of wide planks off the back end. Then he started to shove whatever it was down onto the board sidewalk.

The canvas slipped off and Jessamine gave an unladylike shriek. A huge Ramage printing press teetered on the wagon bed.

A printing press? Smoke River already had a printing press—hers! Her Adams press was the only one needed for her newspaper—the town’s only newspaper.

Wasn’t it?

She found herself across the street before she realized she’d even opened her office door. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

Mr. Rancher straightened, pushed his hat back with his thumb and pinned her with the most disturbing pair of blue eyes she’d ever seen. Smoldering came to mind. Was that a real word? Or maybe they were scandalizing? Scandalous?

“Thought it was obvious, miss. I’m unloading my printing press.” He turned away, signaled to Whitey and Carl, and jockeyed the huge iron contraption onto the boardwalk.

“What for?” she blurted out.

Again those unnerving eyes bored into hers. “For printing,” he said dryly.

“Oh.” She cast about for something intelligent to say. “Wait!”

“What for?” he shot from the other side of the press.

“What do you intend to print?”

“A newspaper.”

“Newspaper? But Smoke River already has a newspaper, the Sentinel.”

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