Rancher For The Holidays

Rancher For The Holidays
О книге

Her Could-Be CowboyDownsized from his corporate job, Ben Fisher's donning boots and a cowboy hat to try ranching through the holidays on his uncle's spread. The handsome city slicker turns heads wherever he goes—but he soon begins to fall for one special redhead. Marley Sanders has the work-obsessed bachelor doing the unthinkable—volunteering in the community and dreaming of wedding bells and babies. But his sweet country girl insists she's never leaving Alpine, Texas, and he's set to ride out with the first job offer. Unless Marley can convince him to take the job of her forever cowboy.

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Her Could-Be Cowboy

Downsized from his corporate job, Ben Fisher’s donning boots and a cowboy hat to try ranching through the holidays on his uncle’s spread. The handsome city slicker turns heads wherever he goes—but he soon begins to fall for one special redhead. Marley Sanders has the work-obsessed bachelor doing the unthinkable—volunteering in the community and dreaming of wedding bells and babies. But his sweet country girl insists she’s never leaving Alpine, Texas, and he’s set to ride out with the first job offer. Unless Marley can convince him to take the job of her forever cowboy.

“Show me what you’ve got, city slicker.”

Ben glanced back as he hauled himself into the pickup bed. Why did Marley have to look so gorgeous? He shouldn’t even be here, at her mission, much less succumbing to an attraction with no future.

Marley cocked her head. “You gonna stay up there all day?” Her smile faded. “I understand, really, if volunteering isn’t your thing—”

“Not at all,” he said. Then he grabbed one of the boxes.

After they’d unloaded all the supplies and sat sipping cold sodas, Ben couldn’t resist glancing at her.

Don’t mess with Marley.

Her coworker’s subtle warning shouldn’t bother him. He had no intention of letting anything develop between him and Marley. Yeah, there was something special about her.

But he had no intention of staying.

He should make some excuse and get out of here. Cut and run right now.

His mind was made up…so why couldn’t he move?

Award-winning author MYRA JOHNSON writes emotionally gripping stories about love, life and faith. She is a two-time finalist for the ACFW Carol Award and winner of the 2005 RWA Golden Heart. Married since 1972, Myra and her husband have two married daughters and seven grandchildren. Although Myra is a native Texan, she and her husband now reside in North Carolina, sharing their home with two pampered rescue dogs.

Rancher for

the Holidays

Myra Johnson


Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

—Romans 12:9–13

For my amazing agent and cherished friend, Natasha Kern, who never gives up on a good story.

I’m sincerely grateful, first of all, to my longtime friend Peggy Gallagher Fisher, who mentioned in a Christmas letter one year that she thought the real town of Candelaria, Texas, could be a great basis for one of my novels. Through a series of emails, Peggy introduced me to her friend Lynn Misch, who with her husband, Pastor Steve Misch, has regularly participated in mission outreach efforts to the people of Candelaria. Lynn graciously supplied me with myriad details about this tiny Texas border town and its people. While my story and characters are purely from my imagination, the ongoing needs in Candelaria are very real.

Special thanks to my editor, Melissa Endlich, and her staff for the opportunity to share this story with Love Inspired readers. Also to the ladies of Seekerville (seekerville.net) for sharing their wisdom and experience through the publication of my first Love Inspired romance story.

The end of the road—that’s what it felt like for Ben Fisher.

Not literally, of course. Alpine, Texas, was some seventy or eighty miles from the Mexican border. Touristy chic in a Western, high-desert kind of way. Big Bend country, seasoned with the flavor of Mexico.

An interesting town, and a place Ben truly enjoyed visiting. He and his older brother, Aidan, had spent many summer vacations pretending to be cowboys and exploring their aunt and uncle’s ranch outside town.

The only problem this time? A prolonged stay in Alpine, Texas, was not on Ben’s current agenda.

Or it hadn’t been until two weeks ago, when a memo from the Home Tech Revolution CEO changed the course of Ben’s life.

He paused in the shade of a bright blue awning and gazed unseeing into a shop window along Holland Avenue. He’d already browsed through several gift shops, art galleries and specialty boutiques, none of which piqued his interest. Mucking stalls and hefting hay bales might be more therapeutic, but between Aunt Jane’s concerned glances and Uncle Steve’s penchant for handing out unwanted advice, Ben had needed to get away from the ranch for a while.

Except he’d slightly overdressed for a leisurely walk around downtown Alpine. When sweat threatened to soak through his maroon polo shirt, he decided to step in out of the September heat. As he pushed open the shop door, a blast of chilly air raised goose bumps on his arms. He dodged a string of jangling brass bells, but one managed to slap him in the forehead anyway.

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