Rosa and the Magic Dream

Rosa and the Magic Dream
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Return to the magical world of Enchantia in the captivating second series of Magic Ballerina by Darcey Bussell!The Wicked Fairy has always wanted to rule Enchantia and has come up with an evil plan to take over, by casting a spell on Rosa and holding her captive! Can Rosa escape from her castle, or will the Wicked Fairy get her wish?


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To Phoebe and Zoe, as they are the inspirationbehind Magic Ballerina.

Author’s Note

Rosa and the Magic Dream

Welcome to the world of Enchantia!

I have always loved to dance. The captivating music and wonderful stories of ballet are so inspiring. So come with me and let’s follow Rosa on her magical adventures in Enchantia, where the stories of dance will take you on a very special journey.

p.s. Turn to the back to learn a special dance step from me…

In the soft, pale light, the girl stood with her head bent and her hands held lightly in front of her. There was a moment’s silence and then the first notes of the music began. For as long as the girl could remember music had seemed to tell her of another world – a magical, exciting world – that lay far, far away. She always felt if she could just close her eyes and lose herself, then she would get there. Maybe this time. As the music swirled inside her, she swept her arms above her head, rose on to her toes and began to dance…

Rosa Maitland stood nervously in the queue of parents and girls waiting to go into the large ballet studio. Her best friend, Olivia, was beside her, chewing her lip. I can’t believe we’re here and we’re actually about to audition for the Royal Ballet School! Rosa thought.

It still seemed like some impossible dream. Could it really be just a few months back that Rosa and Olivia, and some of the other girls who went to Madame Za-Za’s dance school, had been invited to audition for White Lodge, the junior part of the Royal Ballet School?

It was a boarding school, and as well as doing normal lessons, the students had dancing classes every day. It was very hard to get in, and although Rosa and three of the other girls from school had made it through the Preliminary Auditions, the Final Auditions would be much harder. Rosa’s stomach felt like it was full of butterflies as they walked into the studio. “I feel so nervous.”

“Me too,” muttered Olivia.

Rosa spotted Delphie and Sukie, the other girls from Madame Za-Za’s ballet school.

Rosa really liked Delphie, but she didn’t usually get on with Sukie, who could be a bit mean. Delphie waved. Olivia and Rosa headed over to where they were sitting.

“Hi,” Rosa said as their parents all greeted each other.

Sukie just nodded coolly, but Delphie looked delighted to see them. “Hi.” She glanced round. “There are loads of people auditioning, aren’t there?”

Rosa nodded. There were around forty girls in the studio, but only about twelve girls would get picked. And everyone here will be really good, Rosa reminded herself as she sat down.

A lady in a black top walked to the front. Imogen Green, Rosa thought, recognising the Head of Auditions. Imogen clapped her hands and silence fell.

“Welcome to White Lodge, everyone,” Imogen said, smiling at them. “It’s lovely to see you all. I’ll start by explaining how the day will be run.”

Imogen told the girls that they would be split into two groups, each of which would take part in a dance class, do some writing, be seen by a doctor to check they were healthy, have an interview with the headteacher and go on a tour of the school. It all sounded very exciting!

When Imogen finished talking, the girls were split up. Delphie and Sukie were in one group and Olivia and Rosa in another – their group was dancing first.

“Phew!” Rosa whispered to Olivia as they got changed and helped each other with their hair. Finally Rosa took her red ballet shoes out of her bag and slipped them on. As she did up the ribbons, she smiled to herself.

After all, her shoes were very special. Sometimes, with no warning, they would start to sparkle and whisk her away to the magical land of Enchantia, where the characters from all the different ballets lived. Rosa thought about some of the amazing adventures she’d had there and the people she had met…

“Rosa, come on!” Olivia said, nudging her.

Looking up, Rosa saw that the other girls were lining up at the door. She tucked in the ends of the ribbons and jumped to her feet.

“Good luck!” she said to her friend as they joined the others.

Olivia forced a nervous smile. “You too.”

As soon as the dance class started, Rosa felt her nerves disappear. She concentrated on the familiar exercises, her whole mind focusing on bending and stretching, thinking about the line of her arms, pointing her toes and lengthening her back. She enjoyed herself so much she almost forgot that there were six examiners watching her!

After the dance class, the girls met up with their parents for juice and biscuits, then went off with the rest of their group to a classroom where they had to write about what they wanted to be and what they liked doing. Rosa wrote as much as she could about her life and her dreams of becoming a ballerina.

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