Royals: Claimed By The Prince: The Heartbreaker Prince / Passion and the Prince / Prince of Secrets

Royals: Claimed By The Prince: The Heartbreaker Prince / Passion and the Prince / Prince of Secrets
О книге

The Heartbreaker PrinceHannah Latimer has left her glamorous life behind to prove her worth by becoming an aid worker. But when she’s captured by an oppressive regime, her only means of escape is powerful and arrogant Prince Kamel. The price – she must become his bride! There will be no love but there must be heirs. And there will be passion!Passion and the PrincePrince Marco di Lucchesi can't hide his disdain for Lily Wrightington or his strong attraction to her! As they tour the captivating palazzos of northern Italy together, the atmosphere between them sizzles with sensual promise… Marco must keep his desire leashed if he’s to stay away from Lily.Prince of SecretsPrince Demyan Zaretsky does whatever it takes to protect his country, so seducing Chanel Tanner will be easy. And marriage…? Just an unfortunate side effect of duty. With his royal identity and intent disguised, Demyan sets about a ruthless seduction designed to make Chanel totally his – and when he discovers she’s a virgin? Well that’s a bonus!

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Royals: Claimed by the Prince

The Heartbreaker Prince

Kim Lawrence

Passion and the Prince

Penny Jordan

Prince of Secrets

Lucy Monroe

Out of the frying pan, and into…

Hannah Latimer, beautifully enigmatic socialite, has left her glamorous lifestyle behind to prove her worth by becoming an aid worker. But when she’s captured by an oppressive regime, her only means of escape is powerful and arrogant Prince Kamel of Surana. And the price?


Forced to take Hannah as a bride to avoid war with a neighboring kingdom, Kamel has little patience with the pampered princess he’s bound to, but it’s his duty, and that’s something he can’t ignore! There’s no love between them, but there must be heirs. And there will be passion….

KIM LAWRENCE lives on a farm in Anglesey with her university lecturer husband, assorted pets who arrived as strays and never left, and sometimes one or both of her boomerang sons. When she’s not writing she loves to be outdoors gardening or walking on one of the beaches for which the island is famous – along with being the place where Prince William and Catherine made their first home!

For Barbara, thanks for all your support.


HANNAH WAS NOT sleeping when the key turned in the lock. Apart from a few snatched moments she had not slept for forty-eight hours straight but she was lying down, her eyes closed against the fluorescent light above her head, when the sound made her sit bolt upright and swing her legs over the side of the narrow metal bed.

She made a few frantic attempts to smooth her tousled hair back from her face and clasped her shaking hands on her lap. She was able to mould her expression into a mask of composure, but recognised that it was no longer a matter of whether she lost it and cracked wide open, but when. For now at least she cared about maintaining an illusion of dignity.

She blinked against the threat of tears that stung like hot gravel pricking the backs of her eyes. Gouging her teeth into her plump lower lip, she found the pain helped her focus as she lifted her chin and pulled her shoulders back, drawing her narrow back ramrod straight. For the moment at least she was determined she wouldn’t give the bastards the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

This was what happened when you tried to prove...prove...what? And to whom? The tabloids? Your father? Yourself...?

She took a deep breath. Focus on the facts, Hannah. The fact is you messed up big time! You should have accepted what everyone else thinks: you are not meant for serious thoughts or fieldwork. Stick to your safe desk job, and your perfect nails... She curled her fingers to reveal a row of nails bitten below the quick and swallowed a bubble of hysteria.

‘Stiff upper lip, Hannah.’

She had always thought that was an absurd phrase.

About as absurd as thinking working a desk job for a charity qualified you for working in the field in any capacity!

‘I won’t let you down.’

Only she had.

She lowered her eyelids like a shield and tensed in every nerve fibre of her body just before the door swung in. Focusing on the wall, she uttered the words that had become almost a mantra.

‘I’m not hungry, but I require a toothbrush and toothpaste. When can I see the British consul?’

She wasn’t expecting a straight answer. She hadn’t had one to this, or any of the other questions she had asked, since she had been arrested on the wrong side of the border. Geography never had been her strong point. No answers, but there had been questions, many questions, the same questions over and over again. Questions and unbelieving silences.

Humanitarian aid did not translate into Quagani military speak. She told them she was not a spy and she had never belonged to a political party, and when they tried to refute her claim with a picture of her waving a banner at a protest to stop the closure of a local village infant school, she laughed—perhaps ill-advisedly.

When they weren’t calling her a spy they were accusing her of being a drug runner. The evidence they used to illustrate this was boxes of precious vaccines that were now useless because they had clearly not been kept refrigerated.

For the first day she had clung to her belief that she had nothing to worry about if she told the truth. But now she couldn’t believe she had ever been so naïve.

* * *

Thirty-six hours had passed, the news hadn’t even made the headlines, and the diplomatic cogs had not even thought about turning when the King of Surana picked up his phone and dialled his counterpart in a neighbouring country, Sheikh Malek Sa’idi.

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