Secret Agent Father

Secret Agent Father
О книге

He has a son?Although he's never met the boy who arrives on his doorstep, undercover DEA agent Alex McCade can't deny the truth. The four-year-old is his child, and–like father, like son–little Cody has landed himself in the middle of a dangerous situation. Shelby Jacobson, Cody's aunt, tells Alex that Cody is the only one who can identify his mother's killer. So now the killer is after them both. With his newfound family in danger, Alex will do anything to keep Cody–and Cody's beautiful aunt–safely by his side.

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“My sister told me that once you knew about Cody being your son, you’d help keep him safe.”

“Why have you decided to spring this news on me now?” Alex asked.

He glanced at Shelby’s upset expression, feeling an uncharacteristic flash of sympathy for her. Don’t go there, he warned himself. He’d help Cody and Shelby but becoming emotionally involved was out of the question.

“Because Cody’s in danger. Early this morning my sister called and asked me to meet her down at the marina. Trina asked me to take Cody and made me promise to keep him safe. On the way to my car, Trina spotted someone. She told me to run and she took off, heading back toward the marina. I caught a glimpse of a man with a gun. I—I grabbed Cody and ran.”

“And Trina?” Alex forced himself to ask.

“I think he killed her.” Shelby’s voice was barely above a whisper. “She risked her life to save us. She drew the gunman away, sacrificing herself to save her son. Your son.”


grew up reading faith-based romance books by Grace Livingston Hill, but as much as she loved the stories, she longed for a bit more mystery and suspense. She is honored to write for the Love Inspired Suspense line at Steeple Hill Books, where a reader can find a heartwarming journey of faith amid the thrilling danger.

Laura lives with her husband of twenty-five years and has two children, a daughter and a son, who are both in college. She works as a critical-care nurse during the day at a large level-one trauma center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and spends her spare time writing romance.

Please visit Laura at as she loves to hear from her readers.

Secret Agent Father

Laura Scott

So we say with confidence,

“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”

—Hebrews 13:6

This book is dedicated to my sister Joan,

thanks for reading my books. I love you!



















“I made a terrible mistake,” her sister Trina said in a low voice, her expression bleak. “I need you to take Cody.”

Shelby Jacobson shivered from the desperation in her sister’s tone as much as the sharp March wind blowing off the rocky shores of Lake Michigan. Her gaze fell upon her four-and-a-half-year-old nephew, huddled with Trina. Beneath the hood of Cody’s coat, his bright green eyes were wide and frightened within his pale face.

Instinctively she knelt down before him, holding out her arms. Cody broke away from his mother, flinging himself at Shelby, burying his face against her chest. She crushed him close, frowning at Trina over his head.

“Of course I’ll take him. But why? What’s going on? Why did you drag me out of bed and ask me to come down to the marina at four-thirty in the morning?”

Trina didn’t flinch under her glare, but Shelby saw a flash of unmistakable regret flicker across her sister’s eyes. Trina thrust a piece of paper into Shelby’s hand, along with a cell phone. “Here. When you get to the car, call Alex. Once he knows about Cody, he’ll protect him. Whatever you do, don’t go back to your place, that’s the first place he’ll look.”

Shelby glanced at the note in her hand, her frozen mind trying to untangle Trina’s request. She’d assumed, from Trina’s frantic call, that her sister and husband had had another fight. But this sounded much more ominous. “I don’t understand. Who will look for us? And who’s Alex?”

For a long moment Trina stared at her, and then motioned to Cody, still buried deep in her arms. “Alex was my contact. He’s also Cody’s real father. Let’s go. We don’t have much time.”

Stunned, Shelby gaped at her sister. What? Her contact? Cody’s real father? What about Trina’s husband, Stephan Kirkland? She cast her memory back in time. Trina had married Stephan a few months after Cody had been born. Of course, she, like everyone else had assumed Cody was Stephan’s son.

“Does Stephan know?” Shelby bit back the urge to ask about Cody’s biological father, conscious of little ears.

Trina nodded, but kept looking around the deserted marina as if expecting someone to show up. “Stephan isn’t listed as Cody’s father on his birth certificate. And he can’t help. But Alex can. Keep Cody safe, Shelby. Promise me you’ll keep him safe.”

“Safe from what? Did something happen? Why would you have a ‘contact’? Are you some sort of undercover agent?” Zillions more questions whirled in her mind.

Trina waved an impatient hand. “No, I’m not an agent. And none of this matters right now. We have to hurry. Cody’s in danger. All I need from you is to keep my son safe. Will you do that for me? Please?”

It wasn’t like her sister to beg. “Of course.” Shelby loved Cody more than anyone on this earth. He attended Shelby’s Little Lambs Day Care Center for preschool and stayed overnight at Shelby’s more often than not. The thought of Cody being in danger made her feel sick to her stomach. She couldn’t bear it. Was her sister overreacting? Trina tended toward the dramatic. “I’ll keep him safe, but I’m sure we can work this out together. We can go to the police for help.”

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