Secrets About Life Every Woman Should Know: Ten principles for spiritual and emotional fulfillment

Secrets About Life Every Woman Should Know: Ten principles for spiritual and emotional fulfillment
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Bestselling relationships author Barbara De Angelis shows that by embracing 10 simple principles, you can transform any situation or event – no matter how difficult or challenging – into something that can enrich you.Imagine what it would be like if, whatever challenges you were faced with – in your relationships, work or family – you could always remain calm and clear. Imagine having a source of confidence and wisom inside yourself that you could always count on… In this book Barbara De Angelis draws on her years of experience as a relationship expert and her own 20-year spiritual search to create a precise 10-step guide to living a fulfilled life. Her principles are easy to understand and put into practice and her colourful examples, drawn both from her own life and the lives of her friends and clients, add warmth and depth to her words. This book will be an invaluable guide for women seeking more contentment and fulfillment in their lives.

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Barbara De Angelis, PH.D.

I offer these words to you, my Beloved One, who has opened the most secret doorway in my heartand taught me the meaning oftrue bliss, true peace, and true love.

The most auspicious moment of your life is when you make the commitment to know the Truth, a commitment so firm there is no turning back.


Imagine a life in which you woke up every morning excited about the day ahead and certain that, when you went to sleep at night, you would be able to say, “This was a great day!” …

Imagine knowing that no matter what challenges you faced in your relationships, your work, or your family, you would always remain centered, calm, and clear …

Imagine having a source of confidence and wisdom inside yourself that you could count on to be a constant wellspring of strength and inspiration …

Imagine what it would be like if you knew exactly what you needed to do to make each and every moment of your life one of great happiness, great contentment, and great peace …

The experiences I describe here aren’t simply impossible dreams—they are possible, very attainable realities. They paint a picture of a life that, perhaps, has only existed as a dream you’re sure could never come true. But it can. I wrote this book to help you create that kind of life for yourself, a life that feels like it is working, like it makes sense, and, most importantly, a life in which you are living and loving as the powerful, fulfilled person you’ve always wanted to be.

This book is about something every one of us seeks in our heart—true freedom, inner freedom, the kind that saints and mystics have written about throughout the ages. This kind of freedom is not the freedom to acquire more of what you can eventually lose, or to experience more of what will eventually change, or to do more of what will eventually not matter. Instead, it’s the freedom that comes from knowing how to discover your own state of joy and contentment and protect it from all of life’s ups and downs. It’s the freedom that comes from knowing how to build a center of emotional and spiritual self-reliance on the inside, a center that will allow you to live every day with greater joy, greater strength, and greater peace. Most of all, it’s the freedom that comes from finding a source of security and happiness inside yourself, happiness that nothing and no one can ever take away from you.

Ever since I can remember, I have been a seeker of this inner freedom. I’ve been on a conscious and committed journey trying to discover the truths about life that would help me make sense of my existence and get the most out of my time here on earth. At the age of eighteen, I found my first spiritual guide and since then, I’ve had the privilege of studying with many great and revered teachers and immersing myself in the knowledge and practices of the world’s most ancient spiritual traditions.

Secrets About Life Every Woman Should Know contains the most important lessons about life that I have learned during my own profoundly transformative emotional and spiritual odyssey of the last thirty years. And even though the information in this book has been growing patiently and persistently inside of me for all this time, I couldn’t have written it ten years ago, five years ago, even two years ago. Like a soup that you know still needs to simmer just a little bit more, this book needed these last twenty-four months of my life to add the final flavor. Now it’s ready, and it is my privilege and great joy to be able to offer it to you.

All of us spend our lives searching, consciously or unconsciously, for lasting fulfillment. We make hundreds of decisions every day, from what to eat for breakfast to what CD to listen to in the car to how hard to work on a project to whom we fall in love with, based on what we think will make us happier, what will create a greater sense of security, what will provide us with more of the things we tell ourselves we need to feel successful and complete. Most of these decisions are an attempt to master, or at least cope with, the outer world. This is where we put our energies—trying to get what we want and keep everything under control.

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