Seducing The Best Man

Seducing The Best Man
О книге

Oh, what a night!Some guys look like trouble from the start. From where Cady Egerton is sitting, Patton Ryan is just the right kind of trouble. She doesn't want a gentleman—she wants him. A man meant for hot, passionate sex. Yep, Patton is just the guy to give her one heck of a night to remember…Cady did not expect her delectable one-night hookup to show up at her best friend's engagement party—or that he'd be the best man. Now all they have in common is a serious case of lust and a desire to break up their friends' whirlwind wedding. But every minute they don't spend plotting together is bound to be nothing but pure, naked trouble.


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Oh, what a night!

Some guys look like trouble from the start. From where Cady Egerton is sitting, Patton Ryan is just the right kind of trouble. She doesn’t want a gentleman—she wants him. A man meant for hot, passionate sex. Yep, Patton is just the guy to give her one heck of a night to remember...

Cady did not expect her delectable one-night hookup to show up at her best friend’s engagement party—or that he’d be the best man. Now all they have in common is a serious case of lust and a desire to break up their friends’ whirlwind wedding. But every minute they don’t spend plotting together is bound to be nothing but pure, naked trouble.

“I enjoy being in charge.”

She rested her elbows on the table, fully aware that her sweater slid farther off her shoulder. “I work hard to keep it that way.”

He wanted her. From the way he white-knuckled his beer bottle, he wanted her badly. That was very good news.

“What do you do? What are you in charge of?” He took a long swig of beer.

“I’m a systems security analyst.”

His eyebrows rose. She wasn’t sure, but he looked impressed.

“I know. Computers. It sounds super exciting, doesn’t it?” She grinned, leisurely enjoying a second olive.

He shifted in his chair, setting his beer on the table a little harder than necessary.

She bit back a smile. “And you?”

“I’m a cop.” He sighed. “A detective.”

It took everything she had not to say something about handcuffs. “Really?” She should not be thinking about Patton and his handcuffs.

His eyes narrowed. “You’re pretty easy to read.”

Cady’s cheeks were on fire but she met his gaze. “Then I guess we don’t need to worry about foreplay.”

Dear Reader,

Cady and Patton’s blind date led to something neither one was expecting—a one-night stand that rocks their worlds. But one-night stands are just that, one night. And when their incredible night is over, they go their separate ways and return to their normal lives.

Until Cady’s best friend gets engaged to Patton’s brother.

Weddings should be happy times. Lots of romance, family and excitement. But Cady and Patton know this engagement is a mistake. One they will work together to stop. If they can keep their hands off each other. And if they can remember that neither one of them believes in romance, falling in love and happy endings.

Writing this story was a delight. Cady is such a strong woman, she knows what she wants and goes for it. Patton is a true alpha, in control in all things. Putting them together and out of their comfort zones led to a supersexy story I sincerely hope you’ll enjoy.

I love to hear from readers, so please find me on my website,, on Facebook, or Twitter, @sashawrites.

Enjoy every page,

Sasha Summers

Seducing the Best Man

Sasha Summers

SASHA SUMMERS is part gypsy. Her passions have always been storytelling, romance and travel. Whether it’s an easy-on-the-eyes cowboy or a hero of mythic proportions, Sasha falls a little in love with each and every one of her heroes. She frequently gets lost with her characters in the world she creates, forgetting those everyday tasks like laundry and dishes. Luckily, her four brilliant children and her hero-inspiring hubby are super understanding and helpful.

To the strong women in my life. Stay strong—body, spirit, mind and love.


To my daughters, future writers and exceptional brainstorming partners.

Huge thanks to my agent, Pamela Hopkins, for telling me to go for it with this book.

Johanna Raisanen, thanks for giving me this opportunity and your support. And Kathleen Scheibling, thanks for helping me find a yummy drink with olives.

CADY WAS GLAD she was running late. It gave her time to recover from the hotter-than-hell man sitting at the table across the restaurant, waiting for her. Bianca had said he was good-looking. Good-looking? She and Bianca needed to have a serious talk. This man was meant for getting naked and savoring long lazy days in bed. Or long, sleepless nights in the shower...on the the car.

She trailed behind the server to the table, giving herself time to appreciate her date. Broad shoulders. Strong jaw with just the right amount of stubble. Black hair. “Patton?” she held her hand out, unable to deny the slight purr in her voice.

His pale eyes were unexpected beneath his thick eyebrows and inky-black hair. But, pow, they packed a punch—and left a not-so-subtle fire pulsing through her veins.

He stood, towering over her five-foot-two-inch frame. “Cady?”

She nodded, arching a brow. “Guilty.” Her brain was filled with all sorts of delectable possibilities.

The corner of his mouth cocked up, and he took her hand in his, shaking it once. His hand was rough, warm and huge. His fingers wrapped around hers, strong but controlled. She couldn’t help but wonder how they’d feel on her body, uncontrolled.

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