Sheer Decadence

Sheer Decadence
О книге

Sheer attractionAfter Olivia Lockhart finds her boyfriend and now ex-roommate in a compromising position, she swears off gorgeous men for good. They seem interested in only one thing–and it isn't commitment! But when sexy photographer Justin Hawthorne saunters into her lingerie company's office, she wonders if her decision wasn't just a little too hasty. Could this heartbreaker with a megawatt smile actually be more than she bargained for?Sheer willpowerForced to work together on a racy swimsuit shoot, Justin is clueless why exotic Olivia's ice-queen act is directed squarely at him. But he's willing to put his pride on the line if it means getting close enough to melt her steely self-control. He may not be looking for happily-ever-after, but who said a hot little fling couldn't be sheer decadence…?


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“It was just a kiss.”

“It wasn’t ‘just’ anything, sweetheart.” Justin turned his head toward Olivia, his eyes erotically intense. “And try looking at it from the other side, if you don’t believe me,” he continued. “Are you honestly saying you couldn’t make a few educated guesses about my performance now?”

Flames licked through her blood. On the job, her vibrant visualization skills served her well, but all they were helping with now was raising the temperature inside the car. Justin sliding the straps of her bra down her shoulders, kissing her exposed skin…lowering her to a mattress, covering her body with his weight…kissing her as she straddled him…

Olivia wanted to tell him that his performance was none of her concern. But if she opened her mouth to speak, the words take me would spill out of their own volition.

Dear Reader,

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve decided on a clear plan, only to have it go…well, kablooey is the word that springs to mind. Cartoonlike, but accurate. Has this ever happened to you? It’s about to happen to Olivia Lockhart and Justin Hawthorne.

With a recent breakup behind her, Olivia has vowed not to repeat her past romantic mistakes. She’s going to find someone more stable than sexy and more interested in committing than flirting—despite her attraction to irresistible photographer Justin Hawthorne. Justin, who finished raising his sisters after his parents’ deaths, has just seen his youngest sister off to college and has resolved to reclaim his bachelor freedom—which does not include settling down with one woman. But the best-laid plans are no match for love!

I hope you enjoy Justin and Olivia’s story. I love entertaining readers, and I also love hearing from them. You can write me at [email protected] or visit my Web site at for information on giveaways and upcoming releases.

Wishing you plans that go smoothly, or at least plenty of laughter when they don’t!

Tanya Michaels

Books by Tanya Michaels







Sheer Decadence

Tanya Michaels

For Rachelle Wadsworth, Dorene Graham and Anna DeStefano. Thank you for all the feedback, support, brainstorming and just plain fun!


“BUT DID I tell you what he said after I found him in bed with my roommate?” Olivia Lockhart sat behind her oak desk, scowling at the three-week-old memory of Sean’s parting words. “He said ‘Babe, when a man’s as in demand as I am, it wouldn’t be fair to the women of the world to limit myself to just one.’ I am finished with smooth-talking, good-looking men.”

Was early March way too late to add a New Year’s resolution?

Jeanie, the office receptionist who stood leaning against Olivia’s file cabinet, wrinkled her pixie features into an uncharacteristic grimace. “So you’re going out with ugly men now?”

They were probably more faithful. “I don’t plan on seeing anyone for a while.”

Olivia had spent her dateless high-school years with homemade brownies and her mom’s old Cary Grant movies. Now, she had plenty of dates, but she’d been better off with Cary and the brownies. In fact, if she could find a decent brownie that didn’t go straight to her hips, maybe she could give up men all together.

“If you don’t date, what will you do?” Jeanie’s distressed tone made such an existence sound unthinkable. For her, it probably was.

With her heart-shaped face and ultrashort platinum hair, adorably petite Jeanie looked like head cheerleader for Santa’s elves and had the bubbly personality to match. Men flocked to her, but she’d been pretty serious about the same guy, Albert, for the last few months. Olivia had high hopes for them. She had to have hope for someone.

“I have plenty to keep me busy,” Olivia said. “Friends, work. You know I want to be named Design Supervisor.”

Jeanie narrowed her brown eyes. “Are you sure you’re not just saying that because you’re gun-shy?”

“I’m sure.” Getting promoted had been Olivia’s real New Year’s resolution. When she’d been younger, she’d made up for romantic failures by excelling in school. Now, she’d apply the extra energy to her job until she could figure out how to improve her luck with men.

“Because I’d hate to see you cheat yourself out of The One just because of Sean,” Jeanie continued. “Albert has an older brother, and I’d be happy to set you up. He really likes exotic-looking women.”

Suppressing startled laughter, Olivia leaned back in her chair. “Exotic?”

“Well, you’re so tall, and you have all that long black hair. Gives you a mysterious aura.”

“Ah.” As far as she could tell, the only mystery in her life was her track record of bad relationship decisions. She was an otherwise competent woman. “Thanks anyway, Jeanie. If he’s Albert’s brother, I’m sure he’s wonderful, but I’m putting romance on the back burner for a while.”

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