Small-Town Girl

Small-Town Girl
О книге

Her Small-Town GuyGoose Harbor, Michigan is the perfect place for Kendall Mayes to start over and open her date-planning business. When she encounters handsome loner Brice Daniels, who is struggling to keep the shipping business he runs going, she sees opportunity. A weekly sunset cruise catering to couples and tourists will keep their dealings strictly business. Kendall has had enough of failed romances, and Brice is too burned by love give it another chance. But despite their reservations, they soon let down their walls. Yet when Kendall's silent business partner is revealed to be Brice's longtime enemy, staying together might be next to impossible.Goose Harbor: Love is in big supply on the shores of Lake Michigan


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Her Small-Town Guy

Goose Harbor, Michigan, is the perfect place for Kendall Mayes to start over and open her date-planning business. When she encounters handsome loner Brice Daniels, who is struggling to keep the shipping business he runs going, she sees an opportunity. A weekly sunset cruise catering to couples and tourists will keep their dealings strictly business. Kendall has had enough of failed romances, and Brice is too burned by love to give it another chance. But despite their reservations, they soon let down their walls. Yet when Kendall’s silent business partner is revealed to be Brice’s longtime enemy, staying together might be next to impossible.

Kendall found an open spot along the boat’s railing and turned to watch the sunset.

Before he realized what he was doing, Brice’s feet ate up the distance between the steering wheel and Kendall and he joined her. Her gaze was fixed on the setting sun, her eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. She was beautiful, and for the first time since they began this venture together, he wished he was one of the guys on the date instead of running the event. If he’d brought Kendall, he’d have his arm around her right now.

He shook his thoughts away and moved to put space between them, but Kendall reached over and slipped her fingers over his wrist. “Stay.”

He nodded and swallowed against the lump in his throat. What was he doing to himself? Kendall had made it clear that she didn’t want a relationship with any man. She’d said she’d left dating in the past. He had, too.

She turned toward him and whispered, “We did good, didn’t we?”

“Better than good.” His words came out hoarse.

JESSICA KELLER is a Starbucks drinker, avid reader and chocolate aficionado. Jessica holds degrees in communications and biblical studies. She is multipublished in both romance and young-adult fiction and loves to interact with readers through social media. Jessica lives in the Chicagoland suburbs with her amazing husband, beautiful daughter and two annoyingly outgoing cats who happen to be named after superheroes. Find all her contact information at

Small-Town Girl

Jessica Keller

Those who know Your name trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.

—Psalms 9:10

For Kristen, who “gets it.” Always.

Chapter One

Kendall Mayes shoved the freshly signed contract papers into her purse as she turned the corner and walked through the main section of downtown Goose Harbor.

She couldn’t hold back her grin.

Love on a Dime—the business she had dreamed about for so many years—was going to open. Next week. According to the contract, all she had to do was stay silent about her business partner and find a weekly outing that would attract tourists. The weekly outing hadn’t been part of her original business plan, but she could see why Sesser Atwood, her business partner, insisted it was needed. Success wouldn’t come her way simply by waiting for people who wanted events and dates planned for them. A weekly event people could sign up for in advance translated into a more predictable income flow.

Her heels clipped against the bricked sidewalk. The businesses in downtown Goose Harbor were all situated around a large, grassy parklike square at the heart of the town and then fanned out down the streets that branched off the edges of the square.

Now one of those businesses was hers.

Building 836 boasted a slightly curved path made with round pavers that was lined on each side by an intricately carved wooden bench. Kendall traced her finger over the top of the nearest bench. They were beautiful. A mint-and-cherry awning hung above a door that opened to a tiny entryway leading to two more doors. The front door was heavy and squeaked a little when she opened it. The building was divided into two rentable spaces. Love on a Dime would take up residence on the left side, and a sign reading Goose Harbor Furniture let her know who her neighbor was on the other side.

The sweet smell of sawdust wafted from Goose Harbor Furniture’s propped-open door. Reaching into her pocket, Kendall closed her hand around the key Sesser had handed her after their meeting. Trepidation gnawed away at the pit of her stomach. This was it.

Laying her other hand on the door, Kendall bowed her head. She didn’t pray as often as she should, but then again, she found it difficult to think of the right words when it felt as if they never made it past the ceiling. Kendall was one girl among millions. The daily issues she faced didn’t matter to the creator of the universe, did they? No. If her earthly father had been able to walk out of her life and forget about her, God could too.

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