The Widower's Second Chance

The Widower's Second Chance
О книге

Learning To Love…AgainIdyllic Goose Harbor, Michigan, offers a fresh start for broken-hearted Paige Windom. In addition to securing a teaching job at the high school, she'll fulfill her dream of helping at-risk teens in a nearby inner-city mentoring program. But Caleb Beck, a handsome yet overprotective widower and the center's founder, doesn't want Paige anywhere near the place. He's afraid she'll get hurt–just like his late wife. Paige knows she can do a lot of good–for the kids and Caleb himself. If only she can show him how to let go of his fear, maybe they'll both find a way to reopen their wounded hearts.Goose Harbor: Love is in big supply on the shores of Lake Michigan.


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Learning To Love…Again

Idyllic Goose Harbor, Michigan, offers a fresh start for broken-hearted Paige Windom. In addition to securing a teaching job at the high school, she’ll fulfill her dream of helping at-risk teens in a nearby inner-city mentoring program. But Caleb Beck, a handsome yet overprotective widower and the center’s founder, doesn’t want Paige anywhere near the place. He’s afraid she’ll get hurt—just like his late wife. Paige knows she can do a lot of good—for the kids and Caleb himself. If only she can show him how to let go of his fear, maybe they’ll both find a way to reopen their wounded hearts.

Goose Harbor: Love is in big supply on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Paige wondered what Caleb was thinking.

“After tonight,” he said, “after actually seeing this place…do you still want to be involved with the center?” He spoke so quietly, she had to lean even closer.

Did she? Paige bit her lip. “Yes. Of course.” If only to prove she could.

“But I don’t understand,” he said. “You’ve now—”

“You don’t just back down from something you’ve thought about for years.” Paige tried to keep the quiver out of her voice.

“It’s not safe, Paige. Don’t you see that?” He braced one hand on her car and one hand on his truck. “For instance, tonight—what if I hadn’t stayed and made sure you got to your car safely? This is a dangerous city.”

“So you keep saying.”

He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’ll continue to remind you of that until you get it.”

Paige folded her arms, hiding her hands so he wouldn’t see that they were shaking.

Why couldn’t he understand?


A Starbucks drinker, avid reader and chocolate aficionado, Jessica writes both romance and young adult fiction. As a child, Jessica possessed the dangerous combination of too much energy coupled with an overactive imagination. This pairing led to more than seven broken bones, countless scars and even more story ideas. Jessica holds degrees in both communications and biblical studies. She lives in the Chicagoland suburbs with her amazing husband, beautiful daughter and two annoyingly outgoing cats. Jessica loves interacting with readers. Find all of her contact information at

The Widower’s Second Chance

Jessica Keller

He who was seated on the throne said,

I am making everything new. Then he said, Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.

—Revelation 21:5

First and foremost, thank you and love to my husband and beautiful daughter, who overflow my heart with love, making it possible for me to have the energy and encouragement to keep writing. Also to the members of the BCGE who helped me brainstorm and add layers to both Caleb and Paige, the story wouldn’t have been written without you all. Many thanks to my parents, who are always happy and willing to watch my baby so I could write—you both believe in me, and that has made all the difference in my journey. Lastly to the lovely Lisa Marie, who has asked me for years when I’d start writing “those stories about the tourist town in Michigan” that I told her about back in our college days. For you, Lisa, Goose Harbor now lives.

That sure smelled like fire.

Caleb Beck backed out from his crouched position under the sink and laid down the wrench. Hopefully the patch on the pipe would work. “Mags! Are you cooking something?”

He clomped over to the industrial oven he’d installed at the bed-and-breakfast a few years ago. Cool to the touch. He peeked inside, just in case. Empty.

The inn had seven guest bedrooms, and four of the rooms had their own fireplaces. He sniffed the air and turned in a circle, his fingers looped on his tool belt. The smell didn’t come from upstairs. Out the window over the kitchen sink, Caleb spotted the inn’s owner, Maggie West, working in the garden. It would be just like his absentminded sister-in-law to not follow city code and burn something out in the yard.

He yanked open the back door. “Maggie. Are you burning something? Leaves, maybe?”

Maggie rolled her eyes at him, her hands on her hips and her curly brown hair puffing out in every angle imaginable. “Burning leaves at the end of summer? We have months yet for that. Don’t tell me you hit your head in there.”

Caleb growled. Should have known he wouldn’t get a straight answer out of her. Maggie had been stubborn since they were kids playing on the beaches of Lake Michigan together.

He let out a long breath. Be patient. “Well, something is burning, and if you’re just going to stand there...”

“It’s probably faulty work done by my handyman.” A laugh in her voice, she bent back down to tend to her garden.

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