Soldier's Promise

Soldier's Promise
О книге

She's undercover to expose a cult leader. He's on a mission to save his family. Different circumstances brought officer Jake Lohmiller and undercover Ranger Brigade sergeant Carmen Redhorse to a cult encampment in Colorado, but teaming up might be their only shot at saving their families…and each other.


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She’s undercover to expose a cult leader. He’s on a mission to save his family.

Officer Jake Lohmiller can’t believe the dark-haired, self-contained woman who earlier caught his eye was able to get the drop on him. Or that Carmen Redhorse is an undercover Ranger Brigade sergeant investigating the same Colorado cult his mother and sister are in. When a sniper opens fire on the encampment, the two join forces to bring down a killer. But even as the danger—and the death count—escalates, Jake sees the possibilities of teaming up with the smart, sexy cop on a permanent basis. If they can make it out alive…

The Ranger Brigade: Family Secrets

Carmen pulled away from him, resisting the urge to rub the place on her arm where he had touched her, where she imagined she could still feel the heat of his hand.

“You can insist all you want, but I’m not going to help you.”

“One thing I learned reading Metwater’s writings is that he hates cops,” he said. “What do you think he’ll do if I tell the cult leader he’s got one living with him, lying about who she is and spying on him?”

“I could have you arrested for interfering with an investigation,” she said.

“You could. But you’d have to deal with Metwater first.” He removed his sunglasses and she found herself held by the intensity of his sapphire-blue eyes. His voice was a low, sexy rumble she was sure was intentional. “I’m thinking maybe you would prefer to deal with me.”

Soldier’s Promise

Cindi Myers

CINDI MYERS is the author of more than fifty novels. When she’s not crafting new romance plots, she enjoys skiing, gardening, cooking, crafting and daydreaming. A lover of small-town life, she lives with her husband and two spoiled dogs in the Colorado mountains.


Jake Lohmiller—This army veteran grew up rough on the streets of Houston and will do whatever it takes to look after his ailing mom and little sister. He’s slow to reveal his secrets but fiercely loyal to those he cares about.

Carmen Redhorse—The only female member of the Ranger Brigade grew up in a proud Ute family who had high expectations for their beauty-queen daughter. Her parents want her to return to the reservation to work for the Tribal Police and to marry the police chief, but Carmen wants to prove herself on her own.

Phoenix—Jake’s mother has taken a new name and put her past behind her as a member of Daniel Metwater’s Family. She hides her poor health out of fear that her hard-won happiness will be taken from her.

Sophie—Jake’s little sister is thrilled to see her brother again but worried about what the future holds for her and her mother.

Daniel Metwater—The self-appointed Prophet is used to being in charge, but murder has taken one of his followers and he fears the murderer will come for him next. Is his fear related to his brother’s death at the hand of the Russian Mafia, or has Daniel double-crossed the wrong person?

Werner Altbusser—Head of an international smuggling group that sells rare cacti to collectors willing to pay thousands of dollars for a single specimen, Werner comes across as an innocent tourist, but the business partner he cheated has other ideas about the direction the business should go and what will become of Werner and everyone who works with him.

Karol Petrovsky—Werner’s former business partner never got what he felt was a fair share of the money from the cacti smuggling. He intends to take over and will deal harshly with anyone who stands in his way.

Starfall—No one is sure why this young woman is following Daniel Metwater, since she doesn’t seem to adore him the way his other female disciples do. Starfall has her own agenda and is always on the lookout for a way to make money, whether it’s collecting cacti for a smuggler or blackmailing the Prophet himself. But her grasping ways may have gotten her in over her head this time.

For Morgan and Erik

Chapter One

Jake Lohmiller raised the binoculars to his eyes and studied the group of women who moved along the rim of the canyon. Wind sent their colorful cotton skirts fluttering, so that they reminded Jake of butterflies, flitting among the wild roses that perfumed the air. The women were gathering rose hips and wild raspberries, the murmur of their voices drifting to him on the wind, their words indistinct.

He shifted his elbow to dislodge a pebble that was digging into his flesh and trained the glasses on a dark-haired woman. Her long, straight black hair, high cheekbones and bronzed skin set her apart from the mostly fair-skinned redheads, blondes and brunettes around her. She seemed out of place, not just because of her appearance, but because of the way she carried herself. She moved slightly behind the other women, her movements both deliberate and graceful, her bearing wary. Jake sensed a tension in her, like a cat poised to spring.

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