Solid Gold Seduction

Solid Gold Seduction
О книге

The discovery of gold on Drake land significantly increases middle son Warren’s already overflowing coffers. His ranch is the talk of exclusive Paradise Cove.But it’s his gorgeous neighbor who’s arousing the California cowboy’s fantasies. Charli Reed sets a horse like no woman Warren’s ever seen. Instead of pushing him away, her blatant lack of interest only increases his desire to execute the ultimate seduction. . Just because Warren’s rich as Midas doesn’t make the entrepreneur-turned-rancher a hero in Charli’s eyes. And how can she trust a Drake—her family’s most hated enemy? But Warren’s sensual passion is slowly melting her resistance. Working together to catch the thieves who could turn their dreams to dust, Charli has to choose: Hold on to the past or risk her heart for a love that’s the most priceless treasure of all…


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It’s more precious than gold…

The discovery of gold on Drake land significantly increases middle son Warren’s already overflowing coffers. His ranch is the talk of exclusive Paradise Cove. But it’s his gorgeous neighbor who’s arousing the California cowboy’s fantasies. Charli Reed sits a horse like no woman Warren’s ever seen. Instead of pushing him away, her blatant lack of interest only increases his desire to execute the ultimate seduction.

Just because Warren’s as rich as Midas doesn’t make the entrepreneur turned rancher a hero in Charli’s eyes. And how can she trust a Drake—her family’s most hated enemy? But Warren’s sensual passion is slowly melting her resistance. Working together to catch the thieves who could turn their dreams to dust, Charli has to choose: hold on to the past or risk her heart for a love that’s the most priceless treasure of all….

“I’m just sorry about the circumstances that put us here,” Warren said. “My family has used that helicopter company for several years and nothing has ever happened like this. I’m really sorry.”

“Drake, quit apologizing.” She walked over and stood directly in front of him. “It’s okay.”

He tried not to react to the look in her eyes, to that mixture of wonder, gratitude and…absolute trust? It made his heart flip-flop and caused stirrings below. In this moment, he realized the impossibility and danger of this situation: one very soft, very big bed; no luggage, meaning no night clothes; a romantic setting; and one of the most beautiful women he’d ever met. In that moment Warren knew that if this scenario didn’t end with his making slow, sweet love to her…it was going to be a very long night.

He took a step. “May I kiss you again?”

She nodded.

It began with just their lips touching: soft, tender, reserved. But when Warren reached out and pulled her flush against him, and Charli gasped, the experience quickly turned hot.


snuck her first Mills & Boon romance at the age of twelve from her older sister’s off-limits collection and was hooked from page one. Knights in shining armor and happily-ever-afters filled her teen years and spurred a lifelong love of reading. That she now creates these stories as a full-time, award-winning author is a dream come true! Splitting her time between the stunning Caribbean islands and Southern California, she’s always busy writing her next novel, but Zuri makes time to connect with readers and meet with book clubs. Contact her via Facebook,, or at [email protected].

Solid Gold Seduction

Zuri Day

Dear Reader,

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, I met the Drakes of Northern California! Like their vineyard-owning cousins, this successful family also hails from New Orleans. They’ve got specific ideas about how their lives will unfold, but as many of us know…life is what happens while we’re busy making plans! Such is the case with Warren Drake.

Since January 24, 1848, when the first nugget was stumbled upon at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, California, optimistic wanderers have dreamed of finding their own pile of prosperity, their personal pot of gold. This resulted in the gold rush, when more than thirty-five thousand people from America and beyond converged on the northern tip of this western state and changed the way we looked at the land lying west of the Mississippi. Much like that nugget, finding love is also often unexpected. If we’re lucky, however, this experience is life’s most cherished discovery!

Zuri Day

I would like to thank all of my beautiful readers,

who’ve embraced the Drakes of California and treated them like family. I appreciate you!!!

There is such a thing as sudden wealth,

Often coming after one has worked to learn their self, For those ride-or-die dreamers living life so bold, At the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold!

Chapter 1

“You’re going to give up all this...and go country?”

“Yes.” Warren Drake calmly palmed a paperweight, eyeing Richard Cunningham—his childhood friend—and wondered about the wisdom of his mother’s request. Even more, he was second-guessing the sanity of his agreeing to do what she wanted.

The fact was, in leaving his plush condo located in the tony town of Paradise Cove and “going country,” as Richard put it, Warren wasn’t giving up anything. By moving twenty miles east of where he’d grown up to the sprawling countryside, he was gaining a front-row view to the business he’d cultivated for the past five years—almost seven hundred acres of top-quality grapes. This was one of the most lucrative crops one could grow in California, and taking his cousin Donovan Drake’s advice to do so was one of the best business decisions he’d ever made. But Richard didn’t need to know this. Because of his mother’s kindness, this New Orleans native whom Warren had known since childhood was deep enough in the Drake pockets already.

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