Star Witness

Star Witness
О книге

SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS SAFEMackenzie Winters spent years building a life in Witness Protection, but when someone shoots at her, she fears her cover has been blown. Could the brother of the drug lord she put away be here for revenge? Mackenzie must rely on her handler's twin, world-weary Delta Force soldier Aaron Hanning, to protect her. Aaron doesn't want to be anyone's hero, but he can't let this brave woman die. Now, with danger stalking them, they'll have to make a daring choice that means life or death—for them both.


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Mackenzie Winters spent years building a life in Witness Protection, but when someone shoots at her, she fears her cover has been blown. Could the brother of the drug lord she put away be here for revenge? Mackenzie must rely on her handler’s twin, world-weary Delta Force soldier Aaron Hanning, to protect her. Aaron doesn’t want to be anyone’s hero, but he can’t let this brave woman die. Now, with danger stalking them, they’ll have to make a daring choice that means life or death—for them both.

“In case someone is after you,” Aaron continued, “I can make sure you’re safe.”

“So you believe me?” Mackenzie asked.

“Does it matter? Someone may or may not be trying to harm you, and in the meantime I’m going to make sure they don’t succeed. The truth will come out in time.”

She said nothing.

Aaron looked at her. “Okay, here’s the deal. You do exactly as I say and you don’t ask questions. If something happens we’re not going to stop in order for me to explain it to you, we’re just going to run. That’s how you stay safe. Got it?”

Mackenzie nodded.

“Until the threat has passed, you stay where I know you are at all times.”

“Fine,” she said.

Aaron folded his arms, ignoring the screaming pain in his shoulder. She needed to understand. “Now tell me everything—who wants you dead, how you got in the witness protection program, all of it. I’m not messing around and I need to know it all if I’m going to have a chance of keeping you alive.”


A British expat who grew up an hour outside of London, Lisa attended Calvary Chapel Bible College. There she met her husband, who’s from California, but nobody’s perfect. It wasn’t until her Bible College graduation that she figured out she was a writer (someone told her). Since then she’s taken the apprentice and journeyman writing courses with the Christian Writers Guild, and discovered a penchant for high-stakes stories of mayhem and disaster where you can find made-for-each-other love that always ends in happily ever after.

Lisa can be found in Idaho wearing either flip-flops or cowgirl boots, depending on the season. She leads worship with her husband at their local church. Together they have two children, a sparkly Little Princess and a Mini Daddy, and two bunny rabbits.

You can Tweet at Lisa (@lisaphillipsbks), or to find out more visit

Star Witness

Lisa Phillips

And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near.

—Ephesians 2:17

This book was written during NaNoWriMo, and massively rewritten later.

Huge thanks goes to Heather Woodhaven, who talked me off the ledge many times.


Mackenzie Winters didn’t need her years in witness protection to know someone was targeting her. She was looking at the evidence.

All four tires on her old, nondescript car had been slashed.

Mackenzie glanced up at the dark sky. After the day she’d had, all she wanted was to go home and crash. But that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

She looked back at the dark building, the center that she managed for at-risk teens. Locked up for the night, it looked almost menacing, but that was crazy. It was only bricks and mortar.

The broken streetlight at the far end of the parking lot cast long shadows on the pitted cement. Mackenzie gripped the strap of her purse and strode around the building to the street, where there was a pay phone that seemed to have been long forgotten.

Downtown Phoenix was busy even at this time of night, and there wasn’t much time before the last bus of the day. Mackenzie dropped some coins in the slot and dialed her WITSEC handler’s number. Eric would know what should be done about her slashed tires. He’d do what he called a “threat assessment” to determine if she needed to be really worried—as opposed to just regular worried.

All because of one night: the night Mackenzie had walked into the hotel suite her entourage shared and saw a man holding a gun to her manager’s head. Seconds later, he’d pulled the trigger, and Mackenzie, her manager and her head of security, who’d been with her that night, were all on the floor bleeding. She was the only one who’d survived—the one who had testified against the shooter and crippled a drug cartel in the process.

The call to her handler went to voice mail, so Mackenzie left a message and started walking again.

She scanned the street in front and behind her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Whoever had slashed her tires could be watching right now, waiting for the right moment to strike. Why else would they make sure her car was undrivable, instead of just slashing one tire and making her change it? They must want her out of her normal routine. But for what?

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