Sudden Recall

Sudden Recall
О книге

DEADLY MEMORIESUnited States Marshal Jackson Parker never forgot Sienna Cartwright—but she’s forgotten him. Just like she’s forgotten everything she knew before she emerged from a coma a year ago. She has no memories of her career as a spy or any idea of what the CIA wants from her. And she certainly doesn’t know why she’s being hunted by men with military-grade weapons. As Sienna struggles to remember who she is and who she can trust, Jackson is determined to reconnect with the woman who broke his heart while protecting the woman she’s capable of becoming.


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United States Marshal Jackson Parker never forgot Sienna Cartwright—but she’s forgotten him. Just like she’s forgotten everything she knew before she emerged from a coma a year ago. She has no memories of her career as a spy or any idea of what the CIA wants from her. And she certainly doesn’t know why she’s being hunted by men with military-grade weapons. As Sienna struggles to remember who she is and who she can trust, Jackson is determined to reconnect with the woman who broke his heart while protecting the woman she’s capable of becoming.

“Send the woman out, and no one dies.”

Parker turned to her. Sienna’s blue eyes had widened. Had she remembered her CIA training it would not have taken away her fear, but she would at least know what to do with it. “That’s not going to happen.” He gripped her shoulder. “I won’t give you up to them.”

“Maybe you should. They’ll kill you otherwise.”

“We don’t know that.”

He knew she wasn’t questioning his skills, she was simply concerned for his safety. The warmth of her care over whether he lived or died rushed through him, but there was no time to dwell on it.

“We’ll figure a way out.”

There was no team within range to help them, but he could call local law enforcement. But would that country sheriff, sixty years old and past ready to retire, live through this? Parker wouldn’t be able to stand it if he was responsible for the man being killed or even injured, so he didn’t make the call.

He had to find a way to get them out of this all by himself.

LISA PHILLIPS is a British-born, tea-drinking, guitar-playing wife and mom of two. She and her husband lead worship together at their local church. Lisa pens high-stakes stories of mayhem and disaster where you can find made-for-each-other love that always ends in happily-ever-after. She understands that faith is a work in progress more exciting than any story she can dream up. Lisa blogs monthly at, and you can find out more about her books at

Sudden Recall

Lisa Phillips

Remember His marvelous works which He has done,

His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.

—1 Chronicles 16:12

To my readers, thanks for loving all my books so far.

You guys are awesome!

The beat-up, rusty truck was parked askew on the side of the highway. In the beam of his vehicle’s headlights, US Marshal Jackson Parker saw the lone blonde woman kick the flat tire with her black cowgirl boot. He chuckled to himself in the dark of his cab. Sienna did not deal well with feeling incapable, and those lug nuts had probably been tightened by machine.

What was she doing on this lone stretch of highway so late at night, anyway? Her hands were fisted by her sides, halfway covered by the sleeves of a chambray shirt that made her look ordinary when she was anything but. Like she didn’t want to be seen. But then why come to his small Oregon town? As far as Parker was concerned, there were limited reasons a CIA agent, or former CIA agent—whichever she was—would want to hide in plain view.

Sienna was either working a job or running away from some kind of trouble.

Parker debated for a second, then pulled over behind her. He left his lights on, since there weren’t any streetlamps this far out of town. He was at the tail end of a long night that capped a long day, still in his sweaty clothes and bulletproof vest. The scratch he’d gotten on his face from the fugitive they’d taken down today hurt, but it wasn’t bleeding.

Being a marshal was better than climbing through hot jungles and eating sand with every bite, or parachuting into hot zones and barely getting back out alive. Life wasn’t exactly boring now that he wasn’t a navy SEAL, but at least the job was faster, safer and he could stop for a cheeseburger and large fries on his twenty-minute drive home.

He pulled his tired body from the front seat before he trudged over to her.

“You look like you could use some help.” He doubted a person with CIA training was accustomed to needing anything. And yet she’d been bested by a flat tire. He gave her a wry grin.

Her brown eyes were wary. Her blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail, which only served to give him full view of her features.

How was she going to play things this time? Would she continue with the ruse that they didn’t know each other, or was she finally going to admit she’d seriously wronged him? Why persist in giving him no information whatsoever after what they’d shared?

Parker scrubbed his hands down his face. Did he even want to know the answer? He winced when he caught the scratch on his left cheek. “Ma’am?”

“Um...yes. I need help.”

“You have a spare?”

She shook her head, a jerky motion. Seriously, now she was scared of him?

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