Success in English Teaching

Success in English Teaching
О книге

Clear, easy to follow, and free of jargon – does not assume the reader is a native speaker of English. Covers all the major topics relevant for trainee teachers with the right level of detail. Strong focus on classroom teaching, applying theoretical principles to hands-on teaching practice. Can be used if you have little or no formal training as an English teacher. Especially useful if you are working in the students' own country (rather than an English-speaking country). Can be used either as a complete course in English teaching or, if you already have some experience, as a reference book.

A comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching English. Clear and jargon-free, it is easy to follow and suitable for initial teacher training, but also provides guidance and fresh ideas for more experienced teachers. It offers realistic ways of achieving success even with large classes and few resources.

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Also published in

Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

ESOL: A Critical Guide

Melanie Cooke and James Simpson

The Oxford ESOL Handbook

Philida Schellekens

Teaching American English Pronunciation

Peter Avery and Susan Ehrlich

Success in English Teaching

Paul Davies and Eric Pearse

Doing Second Language Research

James Dean Brown and Theodore S. Rodgers

From Experience to Knowledge

Julian Edge and Sue Garton

Teaching Business English

Mark Ellis and Christine Johnson

Intercultural Business Communication

Robert Gibson

Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom

Tricia Hedge

Teaching Second Language Reading

Thorn Hudson

Teaching English Overseas: An Introduction

Sandra Lee McKay

Teaching English as an International Language

Sandra Lee McKay

How Languages are Learned (3rd edition)

Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada

Teaching Second Language Listening

Tony Lynch

Communication in the Language Classroom

Tony Lynch

Teaching Young Language Learners

Annamaria Pinter

Exploring Learner Language

Elaine Tarone and Bonnie Swierzbin

Doing Task-based Teaching

Jane Willis and Dave Willis

Explaining English Grammar

George Yule

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For Emma and Hilda


Who is Success in English Teaching for?

This handbook is for anyone who is teaching or planning to teach English as a foreign language anywhere in the world. But it is especially for those who:

– are non-native speakers of English

– have little or no formal training as English teachers, or were trained some time ago

– are teaching in the students’ own country, not an English-speaking country.

Most of these people will be teaching, or preparing to teach, English in an institution of general education – a school, college, or university. Success in English Teaching focuses especially on teaching at secondary-school level and above.

The book is also for teacher-trainers running both pre-service and in-service courses.

What does the book contain?

The twelve chapters which form the main body of the book cover every major aspect of teaching English. Chapters 1 to 7 focus on actual classroom teaching. They establish essential theoretical principles, and present a wide and coherent range of practical teaching ideas which are designed to be effective and acceptable in the working contexts of most teachers. Chapters 8 to 12 consider other aspects of teaching English: planning and management, materials and aids, evaluation and testing, and professional development, including a survey of past and current approaches. There are tasks and questions for discussion at appropriate points in the chapters. At the end of each chapter there is a summary of its contents and a project.

The book also contains a glossary, a list of sources and suggestions for further reading, and an index.

How can you make use of Success in English Teaching?

Like most books of its kind, Success in English Teaching can be used in several different ways. The main alternatives are to use it as:

– a complete course in English teaching

– a reference book.

The sequence of chapters is designed especially for people who wish to use the book as a complete course, working through it from beginning to end. The glossary can help with the understanding of new terms and concepts, and the projects at the end of each chapter can be made an integral part of the course. After completing the course, trainee teachers may wish to continue their development by selecting other books from the Sources and Further Reading section.

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