Summary: When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times. Pema Chödrön

Summary: When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times. Pema Chödrön
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Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times” by Pema Chödrön.

In her book, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, Pema Chödrön gives practical everyday advice on dealing both with life’s great tragedies and minor announces. Borrowing from her studies under the tutelage of teachers and masters of Tibetan Busshism, Pema proposes that we take a closer look at the nature of suffering and reconsider how we relate to it. The methodology she proposes in her book will help us not only overcome pain, but also turn hell into medicine.


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Pema Chödrön

Оригинальное название:

When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times

Buddhism During Difficult Times

Before she became a Buddhist nun, Pema Chӧdrӧn worked as a primary school teacher and was married with three children at home. Everything started to change on the fateful day when her husband came home from work and told her he was having an affair. Responding to the question how she came to Buddhism, Pema jokes that it was because she was so outraged at her husband. In reality, when her marriage ended, she tried to put her life back together in the usual way, but it didn’t work. Then she realized that the only way out was to leave the old, dependent version of herself behind and allow her ego to be completely destroyed so she could work with was left of her once indestructible self.

"When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times" was first published in 1997 and included lectures and presentations that Pema Chӧdrӧn delivered between 1987 and 1994. This was many years ago, but the content of this book is as relevant as ever. During times of turbulence, uncertainty, and an unclear future, all of us feel fear, pain and anxiety. Apart from major global catastrophes there are still both big and small tragedies happening in all of our lives. We face loss and disappointment, and we live through personal crises and difficult family and career stages. How do you cope with all this pain? How do you preserve the ability to love and feel compassion, and for yourself as well?

Pema Chӧdrӧn answers the question like this: "Life is our best teacher and friend." If we opt not to run away from life’s lessons, if we refuse to hide from what our fate brings us and, do the opposite, open up to pain, let ourselves feel all these emotions, negative ones included, truly let ourselves linger on the edge of an abyss, we can learn. We learn to relax in the very heart of chaos, keep calm and treat all living beings close to us and distant from us with sincere compassion and kindness.

In her book, Pema Chӧdrӧn provides practical techniques and instructions to help calm the mind, treat the wounds of the heart and turn the poison of suffering into a healing elixir. Such moments, when the ground crumbles under your feet and the familiar world falls apart, can become turning points in our lives. This is the way we learn that absence of stability is actually the key to life. The moment we accept this, we start healing from illusions and unconsciousness. There is room for everything in life, grief and joy, tension and relief, sorrow and bliss. And, fortunately for us, we indeed don’t know what’ll come next. The death of our hopes may become a starting point for something new and beautiful.

When Things Fall Apart

When life makes an unexpected twist, the first thing that we feel is fear. And that’s perfectly fine. Fear is a universal emotion and it’s known to all the living creatures on the planet. That we experience fear when facing a prospect of loneliness, death, unknown future is natural, because the closer you are to the truth, the scarier it becomes.

Often our first and only reaction to fear is to run away in whatever direction we decide. The worst possible reaction to fear would be to eat, drink, binge-watch series, enter pointless relationships – in other words, when we do something to avoid having to look fear in the eyes. The best reaction is when we recognize fear as an indicator of an issue that has to be urgently resolved, and then the fear will go away forever. Or will it?

Fear won’t go away forever, of course, because it is part of life. So why don’t we get to know this feeling a little better? All that you need to do this is to stop and stay in it for a while. You need not deny the existence of fear, distract yourself in all possible ways or perceive it as an indicator of an issue. Look at it as a chance to completely give up your old way of reacting to fear.

The next time when you experience fear think of it as being a fortunate opportunity. Because it’s only through our accepting fear that we can pass through to courage. We are used to thinking that brave people never fear anything. Actually, brave people also experience fear all the time, but they don’t deny it and learn to move on despite everything.

After fear comes pain. When your familiar world collapses and the ground crumbles under our feet, you are left one-on-one with your true reflection in the mirror. We see all of our blemishes, wrinkles, aggression, lack of goodness and humility. The most vulnerable and tender spot of our soul are on display for us. We should you do with this tenderness: hide from it in resentment or shiver but let it into our life?

Pain is trial by fire and gives us the opportunity to awaken our heart. Any pain is connected to loss: loss of a loved one, your youth, health, or your daily routine in life. Pain emerges on the scene when our hope that everything will always be good or at least stable shatters. But the truth is that

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